Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 VOR holding on a DME fix towards or away from a VOR is flown as a normal VOR hold .
2 In the ASE system of nomenclature , the oxidation number of an element in an oxoanion is sometimes used instead of or together with a prefix of suffix .
3 The second exception arises where the challenge to the contested decision or action is collateral , that is , it arises out of and incidentally to a some other legal claim .
4 One is a wall mural consisting entirely of fishes spiralling towards and outwards about a single pole ( Figure 7 ) .
5 It is then stayed athwartships by wire and fixed for and aft by an aluminium alloy strut which clamps onto the backstay .
6 ‘ I have a lot to thank Nigel Mansell for and obviously as an Englishman I know what sort of pressures there will be on me .
7 On his way to the restaurant he passed a man and a woman arm in arm , a man walking purposefully , as if late for an appointment , a woman standing next to her car and searching her bag for the key .
8 Meanwhile , we have a situation where women find themselves discriminated against and often in a disadvantaged position because they are caring for others .
9 You 've done more than you thought you 'd ever get away with and so in a sense it 's all gain from here , in fact it 's been all gain for some time and so you ca n't complain and you do n't intend to if fate deserts you now .
10 And guess who 's started showing up , intermittently to begin with but now on a twice-monthly basis .
11 So we know , we should and remember of course that in the book Freud chooses two examples as Joy told me the church and the army and these are just examples and of course Freud chooses them partly because they 're very big groups so they in some ways they er exemplify the principles he 's talking about because clearly in a small group like this you could say well look , what is going on is really I mean we all have , we all know each other and it 's a face-to-face group and really what happens here is an of the dynamics group and I think it is actually .
12 He is plagued by demons which go back to his childhood and his torment intensifies as a train hurtles him away from or maybe towards a crime .
13 For example , you could slide the leading foot forwards and outwards and then throw your body-weight forwards , swinging the rear leg in and forwards in a shallow U-shaped movement .
14 There are now available drugs which , injected prior to or just after a learning trial , improve retention of the memory ( that is , increase the ‘ savings ’ as defined in Chapter 5 ) in animals tested hours or days subsequently .
15 Joined on the first of June and is each other initially to and also as a general of what goes on .
16 CAT Protein Network System should be applied prior to and immediately after a perm service to increase hair strength and maintain condition .
17 The gangplank that linked the slipway to the boat shifted to and fro with a grating sound .
18 Marcus , putting his hands upon the board at the foot , moved the bed slightly on its casters , moving it gently to and fro with a movement as of one rocking a cradle .
19 A milk-float was groaning its way up and a boy of about my age ran to and fro with a milk-crate .
20 I happen to know , from a friend of mine , that Robert Trivers , long before he was the great evolutionary biologist he is today , when he was an illustrator of children 's books , argued the whole thing to and fro with a friend of mine who was a Freudian analyist and he tells me that in the beginning all they talked about was Freud .
21 Similarly for ‘ punchball ’ , the predominant way of signing it was threefold : shape ( ball on a stick ) , movement ( springs to and fro on a pivot ) and how a person interacts with it ( hands punching alternately ) ; these three are salient features .
22 It was arranged that the source could be driven slowly to and fro at a low velocity using a transducer ; this motion produced a small Doppler shift in the frequency and energy of the emitted photons .
23 They to and fro to a chirping tap
24 If the rolling circle in a hypocycloid has a radius half the length of the fixed circle , point P simply moves to and fro along a diameter .
25 During one of the indiscriminate assaults by the murderous flocks of birds the screaming inhabitants of the town ran to and fro in a vain attempt to ward off their attackers .
26 Heavy footsteps crossed the ceiling from corner to corner , striding back and forth , to and fro in a familiar monotonous pattern .
27 The windbreak of pine trees which sheltered the buildings on the north side , creaked and groaned in the piercing wind ; the treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner .
28 So much paper passing to and fro in a single day , thought the tall boy .
29 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
30 For a moment he thought she was going to hit him , and then her face turned crimson , her mouth started to bang to and fro like a door in a gale force wind and a sound came down her nose that suggested she had just swallowed a quart of White ’ s Cream Soda .
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