Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pers pn] are [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Once hatched , the young maleos are easy to look after since they are fully active and able to feed themselves .
2 Which that , that then gets you into the issue of whether you are deliberately going to being creating a rich peasant economy and s erm so using the rich peasant economy as the leading sector .
3 I liked everything about it , I liked everything about it , mind you I had sore fingers to begin with , very sore , with the filing you see , but also er I was used to thing in a way because there was a little lock shop in mother 's yard er and erm home-made er home-made locks and he used to er and now he used to do them and stamp them and I us I worked his hand press for him before I was fourteen and they were for and they are still and my mother used to take them to Birmingham and erm I think he used to give me sixpence for doing everything I did for him .
4 Thus we leave no mark on the ocean , as if we are successfully covering our tracks .
5 When they see us paddling on the river , they stare at us open-mouthed , as if we are completely insane .
6 This makes them stand out as new and unfamiliar against the industrial background , as if they are somehow out of place .
7 Every year when the mares come to stud , there are always a few who we initially think are quite sensible and intelligent but who then surprise us by behaving as if they are totally brainless !
8 We all gladly agree that today most people of forty — or even fifty for that matter — look as if they are still in their thirties .
9 We have already referred to those who find it difficult to give up ‘ playing the field ’ and continue to behave as if they are still single .
10 In the end , it is almost as if they are more human than the humans themselves .
11 A nameless sense of guilt accompanies some bereaved , as if they are mysteriously to blame .
12 While the delay to the start of the flying programme has been much longer than anyone would wish , much more progress has been made in the ground and rig testing than at the comparable stage of any previous project I have been associated with and we are very satisfied indeed with the results that have been obtained so far .
13 In that we are alike , neh , Hans ?
14 Actually , the Friendship Hotel is a vast ghetto of ‘ foreign friends ’ ( as we are conventionally described ) , but a ghetto in a pleasant sense , in that we are highly privileged in comparison with the Chinese .
15 The songs are consistent in that they are uniformly as confused as an Asian skinhead , as profound as a boiled egg , and as lifeless as a dick in a refrigerator .
16 5.5 This conclusion will actually exclude the great majority of verbs ( or , more exactly , all normal uses of the great majority of verbs ) from appearing in construction with an adverbal adjective at all , with or without the claimed nuance ; either they will be related to their object in such a way that there is simply no need to mention any particular property of the latter entity , as in ( 30 ) ; or , even if there is some property of the object specially relevant to the notion introduced in the verb , that property does not belong to the object by virtue of the relationship between the verb and the object ; for instance , even if Angela in ( 31 ) resembles her cousin in that they are both dark , her cousin does not have that property because Angela resembles her , and even if the Prince admired his Chief Justice because of his disposition to clemency it is not the the Prince 's admiration that justifies the applicability of the property merciful .
17 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
18 I think there is some indication in the independent sector of the over-provision , in that they are now more ready to take people at those standard prices for respite care .
19 This is different from Owen 's other poems in that they are more dramatic and gruesome , with descriptions of warfare and death .
20 Akram and Waqar have turned existing comprehension upside-down in that they are less dangerous with the new ball than with the old .
21 Although I have serious reservations about the methodology of most of these studies ( in that they are far too pessimistic about the ability of the business community to respond to changing circumstances following changing relative prices ) and although some of the shortages which appear are due not so much to the limits of nature as the intervention and regulation of governments , nevertheless they raise sufficiently serious doubts about such things as the effects of carbon dioxide and the present lack of adequate recycling that I believe they must be taken seriously .
22 These locks are of the ‘ staircase ’ type , which are different from ‘ flights ’ of locks in that they are directly inter-connected .
23 Furthermore they behave like words in that they are always used together in appropriate contexts and they appear to be represented as words in the mental lexicon ( Wilson , 1984 ) .
24 Although video recordings may have a strong appeal , in so far as they appear to capture a more complete picture of any speech episode , they have major disadvantages in that they are highly obtrusive , they usually need to be manned and they are relatively cumbersome if the child has to be followed around .
25 While the quality of English wines can now compare with estate-grown and bottled wines from Germany or Alsace — in that they are fairly uniform — they bear the crisply full-flowered taste we often look for in a good table wine or aperitif .
26 This is not the focus of these notebooks , and in that they are very different from The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State .
27 There is an additional double bind for men in that they are very often the cause of the woman 's tears ; it may well be their behaviour that has caused the distress .
28 They are ongoing in that they are still at an early stage and in that the process of applying them right across the whole of the NHS will take several years-probably up to the end of the century .
29 This looks easier in that you are nearer the solution but in fact it makes the task impossible .
30 The double answer — schools are different from but they are also the same as other organizations — was confirmed when Handy and Aitken ( 1986:34 ) asked whether , in their essentials , schools were just like other organizations .
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