Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [adj] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Frank further drew attention to the fact that in shear fields the velocity gradient tensor contains a rotational term ( for and this will prevent high extensions being attained .
2 Also she still hoped to rid herself of her burden , which had persisted in her despite Paul 's nightly penetrations and her own constant daily walking , as if that would shed it ; walking , as now , with the almost waddling gait of a heavily pregnant woman .
3 I was waiting with both hands over my ears , as if that would do something . ’
4 This ‘ position ’ has become a ritual , where the word is repeated as if that would change things .
5 Rushdie was apparently ready to apologize , but it did n't look as if that would convince the Ayatollah to withdraw the fatwa and Rushdie was in hiding somewhere in England .
6 He spoke into the bookie 's ear , while the man stared at the ground , as if that might aid his concentration .
7 It brought back a flood of fear and an almost unbearable memory of loss , the body of the warrior Gyonval fighting with the wood , impaling itself on a sharp branch as if that might keep the soul from parting .
8 ‘ But Lord Richard Grey is your own son , maman — ’ said Richard , as if such would ensure his safety ‘ — and the king 's half-brother . ’
9 He was speaking as if Gentle would agree to the rendezvous , which , though he had n't said so yet , he would .
10 The Marshal roared into the distance for Lorenzini and then said : ‘ It looks as if this might have nothing to do with the kidnapping . ’
11 The only difficulty is , is er the interpretation of of the words and er whether or not the the words er er er er in the vicinity of is more constricting than we anticipate and it is that point which will be needn which needs to be addressed , but I think I can assure the No Noble Lord that erm er they w w will have full jurisdiction on and in the vicinity of the stations which is the point which she which she is anxious about and that will continue just the same after April the first before .
12 You do n't have to spend a lot of money to look just nice looking I mean d' you know , er just you know nice appearing , clean appearing or something like that that will do and beauty most of it its come from inside .
13 So that that 'll go out with that that 'll go out with X
14 Lenders themselves , just as borrowers do , have a lot to gain from insurance against the risk of unemployment or illness , in that this should reduce their own bad-debt or late-payment costs ( and so perhaps reduce interest rates too ) .
15 Of the four factors , a confiding tie with a husband or lover was seen to be the most important , in that this could protect against depression whether or not any one of the other three vulnerability factors was present .
16 Before you start spending too much of that hard earned money , it may pay to check out some books , there are several to choose from and most will give you some examples of the products available .
17 No , Helen thought — I will not ask where Pauline hails from because that would prolong the conversation and anyway I do n't want to know .
18 The whole Cabinet agreed that there should be a cut in the amount that the unemployed were receiving ; where they disagreed was in whether this should include a cut in the standard rate of benefit .
19 And in fact , I get an awful lot of support from friends erm , not family because my family are n't , were n't aware of it , erm but I mean , really it came from fre , really close friends that I could sit down and talk to and that could understand me and accept me , just like what the girl said as well .
20 Bonanza Boy will have blinkers back on and this may assist him .
21 Oh to but that will fit is a bit
22 Yet I am puzzled as to whether that would mean that we should leave our radios on , so long as the music coming from them is beautiful , in order that our rooms be filled with beauty even in our absence .
23 That 's all I want to say on the principle erm of the criteria , as far as the detailed content erm er is concerned I suspect we could talk all day about whether social should replace affordable in one of the criteria , or whether the full stop is in the right place er in another one .
24 The shear rate is given by and this must equal the transverse stress divided by the viscosity .
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