Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yet here the counsellor faces the problem of whether to delve into the difficult past , or to leave it alone .
2 He found the house that he was looking for and went into a long , low room .
3 In one of a series of flashy special effects that often intrude rather than enhance the action , Streep 's upper and nether regions instantaneously tighten as if bolted into an invisible vice .
4 The fingers were clamped solid as if sewn into the material .
5 Corbelled gargoyles bristled , as if spewing into the warp .
6 A woman , on the other hand , is used to moods and can often change them at will , as if stepping into a new outfit of clothes ( Robert A. Johnson , He — Understanding Masculine Psychology ) .
7 Boswell feared vermin ; Johnson anticipated the chill as if stepping into a cold bath , and tied a coloured handkerchief around his head .
8 His years as a sculptor had taught him to see the human figure in solid , three-dimensional form , and his people now have necks like columns , oval or elongated faces and noses sharply drawn , as if cut into the planes of the face .
9 John Harbour , as if looking into a mirror , leaned chummily against Babs Osborne and stared adoringly at the camera .
10 But his finger never pulled the trigger for he , too , felt an explosion in his chest and , as if going into a slow dive , he dropped to the earth , the gun still gripped in his hand , and as he died he heard a voice yelling , ‘ Christ !
11 He pondered gloomily for a moment , then with an effort stretched himself as if climbing into an uncomfortable Sunday suit , and gave judgement .
12 Grandad Derek said yesterday : ‘ The lad was a villain to start with but turned into a Good Samaritan .
13 Peggy Mitchell , seated at the rear of the Variety Tent , sighed in sympathy as , one after another , the right card failed to appear from or disappear into the deck .
14 Nevertheless , on the subject of the clash between the normativist and functionalist styles of public law — which emerged in the Franks Committee 's investigations over the question of whether any body responsible for supervising administrative tribunals should be detached from or integrated into the Supreme Courts — the Committee came down firmly in favour of integration .
15 When Chamberlain returned from his post-war African tour to a hero 's welcome in March 1903 , he found to his hand a request from the Dominions themselves which , though it had nothing to do with Imperial unity , and indeed was rather symptomatic of growing independence , he seized upon and elevated into the first step towards ‘ consolidation of the Empire ’ .
16 He kindly but firmly remonstrates with his wife : " Paying the debt " has a clear double meaning in the sexual/conjugal context which the wife , who is made to respond to her husband 's ignorance not by laughing at him but rather by underlining his innocence/ignorance in a play of irony for the tale 's readers/listeners to respond to as they think fit , picks up upon and develops into a crude pun : " " taille " " here is polysemous , reflecting two homonyms , taille , " tally , bill " , whereby line 416 reads : " I am your wife ; notch it up on my account "
17 If one of the dietary amino acids is made radioactive ( as in the experiment I described in Chapter 2 ) and fed to or injected into an animal , it is incorporated into the proteins just as its fellow , non-radioactive amino acids are , and the proteins become slightly radioactive in their turn by virtue of containing the radioactive amino acid .
18 Otherness is not so much something to be frightened of , a threat to the stability of the self , as something that can be added to or incorporated into the already existing .
19 Ed Moloney of the Irish Times wrote : ‘ … a large number of those attracted to and recruited into the party through Robinson 's efforts were different in a number of important respects from the traditional Paisley follower of the early rabble-rousing days … . ’
20 I 'll have to catch the 7 a.m. train to Nottingham , which means getting up at 5 a.m. to put the slap on and climb into the overalls .
21 Jay followed Lucy as she put her coat on and went into the street .
22 Questions of theoretical base or methodological perspective have often been subsumed by or channelled into the construction of acceptable written examinations .
23 She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water , sinking slowly down into the warmth .
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