Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or Cashman , drunk and abusive in the lobby , looking for somewhere to lay his head ?
2 Enter our Sharon as book editor Carly Norris , looking for somewhere to hang her hat after ending her unhappy marriage .
3 David is looking for somewhere to put his croquet club .
4 Killion turned away , pretending to look for somewhere to put his glass .
5 Marcus looked around for somewhere to put his toothbrush .
6 He was looking for somewhere to hide my iron .
7 Because no one had any idea of how to treat his illness , Moritz was kept in a locked ward for his own and for other patients ' safety .
8 They do n't have to make those initial decisions of how to plan their time and their work .
9 of how to worm their way round things all the time , rather than follow the rules .
10 Are you w so it gives you some idea , if you 're gon if you 're not gon na revise the whole syllabus , shame on you , erm then it gives you some indication of how to spend your revision wisely .
11 The preferred answers and details of how to assess your company 's score appear on p 89 .
12 Full details of how to reach your accommodation will be sent in good time before your holiday is due to commence .
13 Designers ' Saturday is not an exhibition of how to furnish your home , but concerns itself with interior design as a whole .
14 The fact that few staff from polytechnics and colleges of higher education have enrolled on these programmes raises the difficult question of how to meet their training needs , and this is one of the matters being discussed by the Further Education Teachers ' Sub-Committee of ACSET .
15 Soon after this I received a favourable response and I began house-hunting and discussing the details of how to meet my care needs .
16 Nonetheless , the circumstances of each nation state are sufficiently varied , for the choice of when to apply which policy — or combination of policies — to be influenced by the political interests behind the government of the day .
17 And Capriati admitted she is not prepared to wait for ever to achieve her ambition to be world No 1 .
18 Feedback from employers gives students insights into how to improve their performance , confidence and understanding of the process .
19 He is an old man who Mr Browning met in the burning streets of Florence last month half out of his wits and with nowhere to go his wife having thrown him out for what reason I do not know .
20 In the short text the account of the Crucifixion and the meditator 's awareness of his own sin come to a climax in an outpouring of lyrical prose which has been printed as verse though it seems more effective if the surge of the rhymes and the alliterative cadences rise within the very structure of the prose like great waves to break in the bitter realisation that it is the meditator 's sin which both nails Christ to the cross and blocks the free expression of love in himself : All the internal rhyme , play on words ( ) and alliteration , which intensify the sense of the meditator 's awareness of both the creative power of God " king of " and the impotence of all his own functions , are lost in the long version which omits much of the intense self-disgust present in the short : The emphasis on Christ as the source of life and creativity is similarly highlighted in the short version in the skilful use made of rhyme , cadence and monosyllabic , strong-stressed ends of sentences to graphically convey the moment when he dies and the created cosmos fails : These effects are lost in the prosaic longer version : In both versions the meditator contemplates the appalling inversion of the created order with its lord suffering greater deprivation than the foxes and birds as he hangs " in eyre " ( 88. cf.101 ) with nowhere to lay his head — a reference to Matthew 8:20 traditionally used to emphasise the poverty of God embraced at the Incarnation .
21 ‘ No , damn you ! ’ she spat , finding the will-power from somewhere to drag her mouth free .
22 ‘ I have been in already to see my mother .
23 It was , I thought , a measure of her self-control that she had waited until now to express her annoyance .
24 ‘ I imagine it is impossible for just anyone to come in here to see your work , as I have ? ’
25 ‘ I wish her to sleep in here to tend her child .
26 Shell U K will have to wait until tomorrow to hear what sentence it receives for causing a 30 mile oil slick which polluted the River Mersey .
27 And Shell U K will have to wait until tomorrow to hear what sentence it receives for causing a 30 mile oil slick , which polluted the River Mersey .
28 No , to hell with waiting until tomorrow to deliver her message to the bastard , she thought grimly as she marched to the door and yanked it open .
29 Some cat manuals solemnly instruct their readers in how to take their pet cats for a walk .
30 There are innumerable books on public speaking , dealing with everything from how to project your voice to what to wear .
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