Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [num] [noun] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 Woods was one of only five men who played in test matches for both Australia and England .
2 In fact , when the bonds were redeemed in 1983 the 280 bonds issued in 1907 were in the hands of only 47 people who had the power to elect two-thirds of the committee to run a club with over 600 members !
3 We also undertook a direct mailing campaign to roughly 40,000 of our own ‘ orphan ’ policyholders ( defined as policyholders with no agent ) and to a rented list of approximately 40,000 people who are interested in single premium investment products .
4 However , we have compiled a list of approximately 30 photographers who have taken photographs relating to the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
5 Police believe its all the work of just one gang who took everythin they could carry .
6 It was perhaps partly for this reason that on 21 September he ordered General Enrique Varela ( who had taken over from Yagüe when the latter became ill ) to make a detour to Toledo , to relieve what remained of nearly 2,000 Nationalists who had been besieged in the giant fortress — the alcazar — since the end of July .
7 The whole affair came to an abrupt conclusion in August , when two members of the House Committee reported that on their way out of a board meeting , they came across a group of about fifteen women who were waiting outside the laundry for their pay , which had been due the previous day .
8 The British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) reported on Oct. 22 the discovery of a mass grave near the Soviet border , containing the remains of about 5,000 monks who had all been shot in the head , apparently on Stalin 's orders under the Choybalsan regime ( 1936-52 ) .
9 A group of about fifty teenagers who had followed them then set off on their own march through the banned area .
10 Of about 100 prisoners who had been on hunger strike since May 1 [ see p. 38179 ] protesting at the government 's alleged failure to free all political prisoners , 17 who were still fasting began accepting food in the days after Mandela appealed to them to abandon the fast , on June 6 .
11 However , an Afar member of the Chamber of Deputies , Mohammed Issa Cheicko , claimed on Dec. 18 that 26 men and four women had been killed after police fired indiscriminately into a group of about 100 people whom they had arrested .
12 It was on one of these occasions that Guy Gibson was ushered into " Cocky's ' presence and , just prior to his appearance , the AOC had given me a slip of paper with the names of about 20 pilots whom he asked me not to recruit — as a favour to him — which was his style .
13 This is a stratified random sample of about 2,332 men who registered as unemployed in the autumn of 1978 .
14 The mass graves of about 12,500 people who died from 1945 to 1950 in a Soviet prison camp located at the former Sachsenhausen concentration camp were discovered near the site in September .
15 In the rest of the country , about half of roughly 100 candidates who won seats in the first round were linked with the pro-Rafsanjani ‘ pragmatic ’ faction .
16 Derek is one of roughly 50 farmers who are members of the Traditional Farmfresh Turkey Association ( TFTA ) .
17 There were more violent scenes on the following evening , when police wielding batons ejected a group of around 100 demonstrators who blocked traffic into University Square and stoned cars .
18 He 's one of around 150 teachers who 've had letters from the County Council warning that he 's to be made redundant because of spending cutbacks .
19 Of almost 10,000 people who responded to the ‘ Strathclyde Works ’ campaign , 88 per cent supported the council 's case against local government reorganisation .
20 There was only one person in a studio of over eighty people who could fill out her dress .
21 ‘ I have the signatures of over 800 doctors who will neither kill nor refer patients to be killed . ’
22 Compaore on Jan. 9 ordered the rehabilitation of over 4,000 people who had been punished for their political or trades union activities since 1983 , when Capt. Thomas Sankara took power .
23 However , each centre will deal with only one moderator who will thus have the opportunity to develop a more ‘ in depth ’ understanding of the centre 's assessment strategy , encourage integration between areas of study , ensure that there is no undue overlap or gaps in the overall assessment plan and give continuity .
24 About a dozen were still milling around , hurling themselves at the fur shop window , almost certainly bullet proof , the rest were arguing or wrestling with about ten policemen who were too busy to tell us to move on even when the lights changed .
25 There were twenty-four houses at Eton , each with about forty-five boys who were known as Oppidans and were distinct from the seventy Scholars who lived apart in College .
26 Last week 's 70s Night was a roaring success with over 100 guests who raised about £280 for the village play group .
27 For every letter they receive , they guess that that speaks for about 100 others who have not written .
28 Whatever , it got him a long , heartfelt , high-pitched ‘ Wooooooooooooooo ’ from about 20,000 people who 'd got little else to wooo about .
29 She is among about 250 people who will receive their degrees at a Newcastle City Hall ceremony .
30 An arrangement may be made so that you look at only one person who ‘ interprets ’ what is said , through writing or clear speech , but awareness of the ‘ feel ’ of the meeting and possible eye contact can not be easily conveyed at second hand .
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