Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 's got a stolen donkey to account for so we 've got more leverage there . ’
2 I 'opes as 'ow you 've got some pennies for me , so as I can get meself a bed for the night . ’
3 Agony aunt Claire Rayner said last night : ‘ People are often despairing — especially in the cases of offspring whose ageing parents fear they will not be properly looked after when they have gone .
4 Only when Bert Rafferty was called to give evidence did Harriet Tremayne show any sign of breaking down , as she listened for the first time to his description of exactly what had happened on that harrowing morning .
5 eh brutal , er brute , er so many er only got a little bit more , eh sort of like you 've got er , I du n no , accent or something or add to it a few words , a few letters I mean , er a more I , a different accent you go to Manchester they said er different accent you go and so different one and to me from the beginning , not now , but from the beginning I was fascinate , I says why do they finish in Italian er ways , or add , you switch and them coins , erm , it still says
6 They , they wan na get shot of well they 've have to change their policies I think !
7 Erm and the sensing people want a step by step logical statement of how somebody has reached erm
8 cos as far as annual reports are concerned you just want a statement from Hugh , and a rough idea of how we 've performed financially .
9 Some of us remember the times of fixed exchange rates under the Bretton Woods system when we used to hear in the House details of public expenditure cuts , of how we had to let go a great deal of our reserves , and of high interest rates — all at once .
10 We had gone prepared for any questions he might ask , together with all the official documents regarding planning permission etc. and a collection of excellent photographic evidence of how we had set up the museum regarding exhibits etc. , taken by our good friend Russell Mulford .
11 I reminded him of how we 'd got rid of Abed without any unpleasant repercussions , but he could n't accept it .
12 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
13 The essence of the humanities is the study of how we have interpreted the world about us , how we have expressed our understanding through language , literature , philosophy and the arts , and how differing views of human life and various forms of society have shaped our history .
14 This last drawing exercise is a summary of the simple process of thinking which leads us into a deeper appreciation of how we have come to be what we are .
15 Protected from prosecution by an amnesty law of 1978 , the military opposed any such investigation but their claim that they had been fighting a war against left-wing subversion became increasingly untenable with the discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of their political opponents and the disclosure of how they had indulged in corrupt financial practices while in power , including the payment of US$3,000,000 to Pinochet 's son [ see pp. 37528-29 ; 37852-53 ; 37958 ] .
16 Something that linked them , was a reminder of how they had got there .
17 They had reached a short flight of stone steps leading down to an open door , and she had no idea of how they had arrived there .
18 He did not as yet know all the details of how they had died , and what had gone before , but rumour had it that no great physical strength had been involved so that you could not rule out a woman as the killer .
19 I was paid good money for 3½ years to do something about the problems of North Shields and a particular component of doing something was describing what things were like , giving an account of how they had come to be like this , and attempting to understand why the process had happened as it had .
20 So we think of them as being descriptive , but in reality , if you 're going to say to somebody , you 're very responsible , they 're probably not going to know what you mean , unless you come up with a few examples of what you 're talking about , of how they 've demonstrated that type of behaviour .
21 You know , they do n't come with any idea of how they 've done really .
22 Indeed , as several hon. Members have already said , it is a confession by the Government of how they have mismanaged the entire privatisation programme .
23 By empowering young people to recognise their skills and achievements , providing evidence of how they have put their skills into practice and recording their attainment , records of achievement provide a powerful tool for unlocking and acknowledging human potential .
24 Ella told me , that evening , of how she had lost her husband in a London blitz , when her house and all her personal possessions had been destroyed by a Nazi bomb .
25 Through her iron self-discipline , Laura had managed to control some of her phobias , such as fear of cows , small insects and mice , but she never obliterated the memory of how she had suffered in younger days .
26 All she had left to clutch at was the memory of how she had felt .
27 He switched the subject just as he had snapped his fingers to remind her of how she had switched off after Seville .
28 He tried to cover his embarrassment by starting to rub his hands together with more than the usual combustive force , and was secretly rather proud of how she had managed to annoy Special Branch and the intelligence services .
29 Of whom there were more than a few I would imagine , thinking of how she had thrown herself on the poor defenceless Marcus .
30 It was the only way she could express it , remembering Justinette 's assertions of how she had experienced altered states of consciousness this way .
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