Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] we [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Scottish Office Education Department ( SOED ) , for whom we carried out the work , was especially interested in truancy levels .
2 In Chapter 6 , we saw how to introduce a sequence set on a beach , beginning with establishing shots after which we grew gradually closer to the characters and their reactions to each other .
3 It all took just over a bio-day , after which we drifted down from the Valve and touched ground at the spaceport .
4 ‘ The truth , about which we spoke so often in the past few years , has been reaffirmed once again — where there is a delay in dealing with overripe problems , excesses are inevitable , ’ Gorbachev said in the Tass transcript of his speech .
5 A number of meetings were set up during which we discussed how I would approach such a project .
6 When General Ayub Khan said , ‘ Martial Law is now imposed , ’ both cousin Zafar and I understood that his voice — that voice filled with power and decision and the rich timbre of my aunt 's finest cooking — was speaking a thing for which we knew only one word : treason .
7 Inclining his head to the militia officer , Arnold Peck said , ‘ We have performed the duty for which we came here .
8 Naturally he was very happy when I was able to tell him that I recently came across a couple of cases of them we did n't know we had .
9 Education must , at all costs , eschew all tendencies or even appearances of a commitment to the maintenance and reproduction of the unjust social order and undemocratic value system to the overthrow of which we sacrificed so much in the struggle .
10 More than 300 from 120 staff , of which we implemented more than 100 , ’ she says .
11 On top of which we came out $28 to the good .
12 If we were to come across an object the like of which we had never before encountered , we would be in no position to determine whether it was an artefact or not , or to conclude with certainty that it had actually been designed and made by human beings .
13 New sets can be made from old in several ways , one of which we saw above in defining Z+ in terms of Z.
14 Though we need not go along all the way with this characteristically provocative view ( and even Keller found ‘ a few playable exceptions ’ ) , I confess to wondering whether this is not one of those issues motivated less by musical need than by the pious opportunism of which we saw so much in the bicentenary year .
15 Exaltation was subject to evaporation in the squabbles of defeat , and Moore noted with bitterness that ‘ the enthusiasm of which we heard so much nowhere appears ’ .
16 The surprise effect , of which we talked before , depends on an expectation .
17 Their consequence for the tiny particles was only apparently random and unpredictable , due to the hidden atomic motions of which we did not have adequately detailed knowledge .
18 Well we used erm , a smokeless fuel of which we found very good , I forget what it was , er
19 That planning has been poor is more the fault of the economy than BR , the high interest rates at the end of 1989 being seen as likely to repeat the recession of 1981 out of which we climbed so painfully .
20 ‘ We got rid of everything we did n't need .
21 We used to , we , I used to go when my husband was alive we used to go to erm Devon cos I had a brother living in Devon we used to go there , but er unfortunately I lost him when he was only fifty with a coronary , and so erm , in , cos and after that I lost my husband you see so cos we I 've never been away like that before , not , not since , years ago that was , he 's been gone twenty one years this Christmas sixteenth might be so , I 've not been able to so I , I , I go with the erm , I went with the Red Cross this year the year before last I went erm er , Char Charlie took me away we went to er a chalet we stayed at and er a friend of mine we went there for a week had a week there , that poured of rain every day , this year it poured of rain every day
22 Enjoying every minute of it we traversed right along a wide ledge sparkling with quartz crystals to an impasse , where the way ahead was stopped by a vertical wall suspended over immense space .
23 She had again unwittingly revealed her misgivings , for on the face of it we had n't been speaking of marriage .
24 It is odd to reflect that the firmest objective record of what we experienced now lies in the films — themselves mere illusory genii of chemicals and light , bound to 400-foot reels of processed trees and silver .
25 What began for us as the effort to capture a purely objective record of what we saw gradually dissolved into a quest , an odyssey of self-discovery which actually took place amongst the last of the lands of real living kings and queens , dragons and pirates , cannibals and headhunters , mystics and magicians .
26 Er well er a l a lot of my time has been spent in another context er as Secretary of er Residents Against the Motorway which is er an all-party thing er but we 've er we 've also taken some action as er a political party as well in that er fairly early on sixth of July ninety two er we we wrote to er Nick Harvey who is er MP who is our Transport Spokesman er and we gave him some er initial details er of the scheme er to which he er replied erm reminding us of what we knew already which was the Lib Dems ' transport pali policy in application to roads .
27 Despite what we said earlier about the inefficacy of money wage cuts in reducing the real wage , let us , purely for the sake of argument , allow that reductions in W and equiproportionate increases in P have the same impact in lowering the real wage .
28 With her sophisticated electronics and sleek grey hull capable of speeds far in excess of anything we had previously experienced in the Cutter Service , it was an exciting prospect for our crews when Alert was commissioned in 1977 .
29 No , no that did n't fit the description of anything we had ever seen or heard about .
30 With that behind us we moved on to the interaction of language and context which defines language function ; to the possibility of establishing overall structures of discourse related to particular discourse types ; and to conversational mechanisms ( although they might also be regarded , like cohesion , as formal devices linking smaller units ) .
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