Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What I was able to do in that instance was play all the symphonies through with the orchestra and then forget about them for three months .
2 Collins , for example , bought a very fine work off me for 600 roubles .
3 My presence disturbed them and they flew screaming about me for many minutes until they tired and began to settle on the dark water .
4 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
5 ‘ He has n't seen me or thought about me for ten years as far as I 'm aware and he could n't have known I 'd be in that house .
6 Schools entering into an entrepreneurial spirit should not , for example , sell school records to promoters of consumer goods or allow journalists or public relations consultants to leaf through them for good stories .
7 Heather had borrowed his binoculars , Mossop said , and studied the cottage through them for some time .
8 However , parameters for them for individual writers could be extracted from an initial training phase for a script recognition system .
9 The defendant firm lawfully terminated the employment of the plaintiff who had worked for them for many years .
10 It was the first physical contact between them for four years , but for just an instant it had seemed as if it had only been yesterday when she had last touched him .
11 Yet Dysart 's expression reminded him of something else she had said : that Dysart and Clare had been arguing immediately before the explosion ; that there had been friction between them for some time .
12 He stutters , but he caddied for me for five years and he knows the game inside out .
13 For example I had my bottom wiped for me for six weeks .
14 On our first meeting we had told Barney that we wanted to book the melin for ourselves for two weeks in June , and both it and the cottage for Christmas .
15 At that time you had to stay with your tutor constable who looked after you for twelve weeks .
16 Then I 'd be looking after you for both products and what I want to do is have a look at all the standard bearings you take to see if there is potential for a supply .
17 ‘ Perhaps you can look after her for five minutes while I go and book the rooms ? ’
18 He was supported by a most devoted wife who looked after him for many years until , late in his life , he rejected and abandoned her for a younger woman .
19 Afterwards , the representative from the film company said , ‘ I 've been looking after him for two weeks and that 's the first time I 've seen his teeth … . ’
20 Ace followed her , prudently shutting the big sliding glass doors after him for more privacy .
21 His mother could not be traced , but the tiny corpse was recognised by a lady who had looked after him for some time , before she , as many others , had done before her , had innocently replied to Mrs Dyer 's advertisement , disguised by the nom de plume Mrs Thomas .
22 Indeed , the EEC , in anticipation of its enlargement , had also begun to consider how it might accommodate the remaining EFTA states , all of whom for varying reasons could not consider joining the EEC , or were precluded from doing so .
23 When you are at the beck and call of everyone for 14 hours a day for four days and for 8 hours on the fifth day each week you want a short space in which you relax and do just what you like . ’
24 No , I had decided that whatever I washoping to do , I was going to do on my own so if anyone was going to be proud of me they were going to be proud of me for legitimate reasons .
25 I sat with a tomato juice in front of me for some time straining my ears to hear what Nigel was saying .
26 If the injured trio — or even one of them for that matter — miss the game , Rangers may have to rely on goalkeeper Andy Goram more than ever .
27 Nothing was heard of them for fifteen years .
28 Inmos is expected to sell about 280,000 Transputers this year , most of them for embedded applications .
29 Rayne started the bidding at a guinea and after some brisk competition among the gentlemen at the foot of the stairs it was knocked down to one of them for five guineas .
30 It requires the member to enter all registered contracts as principal and not as agent , and provides that LCH will register such contracts in accordance with its regulations and keep a record of them for six years .
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