Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 KIDLINK is facilitated by professionals working in education at all levels , most of whom are specialists in information technology .
2 I find it stimulating to air ideas with a variety of people , many of whom are experts in their field . ’
3 ABPC has been formed to take over from the project 's original partners , Total , Petrofina , LASMO , Inpex and the Syrian Petroleum Company — all of whom are shareholders in the new organisation .
4 In fact , one in three new ventures in the USA is started by people under thirty — the majority of whom are graduates in their early twenties .
5 But the triumph was watched by only 5,000 , half of whom were soldiers in uniform .
6 Among the better-paid men were employees of the cathedral , some of whom were clerks in minor orders .
7 This minority appears to have been on an upward trend ( from 2 per cent of couples both of whom were employees in 1968 to 5 per cent in 1980 — Elias , 1983 ) , but the conclusion of Lynne Hamill 's study of the 1974 FES still stands .
8 The duke immediately saw an opportunity to improve relations with the powerful Buchanan family , none of whose members were of great wealth , but several of whom were freeholders in Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire .
9 This is where I was first introduced to Paul Cook and Steve Jones , both of whom were regulars in the shop .
10 From 1981 onwards , applications were increasingly coming from candidates with a specific interest in ESL , many of whom were graduates in English .
11 Many of the publishers I have mentioned sell a wide range of social stationery ; not all of them are specialists in the fine art field .
12 Jane Wright who runs the centre says a common factor to all of them is trouble in forming relationships .
13 Some of them were bigwigs in the administration of the islands .
14 This is one of the four possible three-element models all of which are analyses in ( MP ) , Chap.3 .
15 This was an important new step , the immediate advantages of which are involvement in all aspects of teacher training , instead of only in the training of secondary school teachers with which the Department of Educational Studies was previously concerned , and the broadening of the University 's own activities in accordance with the general changes now taking place in higher education .
16 One of the problems Brown and Iles discovered in their study of community constables ( what , in the RUC , would be called neighbourhood constables ) , which was based on 300 officers in five police forces in England , was the relatively small proportion of working time devoted to activities the primary purpose of which was improvement in relations between the police and the public through direct involvement of constables in the community ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 29 ) .
17 Both denied struggle for power as an agent of social change , but accepted the necessity of evolution , the logical consequence of which was belief in the centrality of parliamentarianism .
18 I know there are many , and I know that quite a few of you are students in the classes run by the Centre for Continuing Education .
19 A precise use of imagination with regard to religion is that without it a person can quite easily not even consider the possibility of there being truth in religion .
20 I think peop it 's clear that that could be a very useful part of er of there being care in people 's homes .
21 Welcome back:A new clinic … the first of it 's kind in Britain … is cutting hospital waiting lists so fast that it 's been described as a runaway success .
22 It 's the first foot clinic of it 's kind in the country , dealing with what 's now called podiatry , formerly chiropody ; bunions , ingrowing toenails , sports injuries and the like .
23 The Ark is the only project of it 's kind in the region .
24 In the first legal case of it 's kind in an English court , a man 's been accused of raping his wife .
25 The A N C was locked in a crucial national executive meeting to discuss the issues of township violence and the possible arming of it 's members in the strife-torn zones .
26 I 'm not er a great fan of the monarchy , although that I would say that I come from a family which is , devoted a large portion of it 's life in service and work to the royal family .
27 But listings , plus music , plus music ads were the backbone of It 's success in that period .
28 At about this time Mr. Tee did have some connection with Winchester , but the extent of that connection and what was to remain of it are matters in dispute between the parties .
29 All night long the thought of his being hand in glove with Harry Martin had lingered at the back of her mind .
30 All of us are experts in body language ; we give it out and receive it , and have been doing so since the day we were born .
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