Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] must be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , although the smallness of the samples of 16th , 17th , and 18th Century publications in need of repair means that conclusions about them must be treated with some caution , it is worth noting that if all pre-1800 items are treated as a group and the proportion of them allocated to each of Categories 3–5 calculated , their pattern of distribution ( ‘ Poor' 78% ; ‘ Bad ’ 18% ; ‘ Fragile ’ 7% ) comes close to matching that already established for all defective items .
2 Thus any differences between them must be caused , not by the shock , but by the fact that the mouse in the cage with the shelf is learning an avoidance response .
3 For younger enthusiasts there will be an under-14 tournament , entries for which must be received before 1.30pm on the day .
4 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
5 It is small wonder that the tree is an endangered species when you consider how many of them must be chopped down to provide one week 's worth of trade press .
6 In this discussion we shall have to make frequent use of the terms cost and expenses of production ; and some provisional account of them must be given before proceeding further .
7 If muggers can be deterred by punitive sentencing , then some of them must be made an example of .
8 In order to infer that the effect of X on Y is a direct causal effect , any variable which is related to both X and Y and causally prior to at least one of them must be controlled .
9 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
10 ‘ Some of them must be educated . ’
11 It is all to do with the most effective means to ends , at least some of which must be given ( and thus are perhaps open to structural explanations of how the agent came to have them ) .
12 If the application is not dismissed , the court must fix a hearing , at least seven days ' notice of which must be given to the debtor ( or his solicitor if the application was made by his solicitor ) and the creditor and the person named in the demand , if any , with whom communication regarding the demand can be made .
13 Nevertheless , the list of Confluent words which follows disregards the stances involved , which number almost nine thousand and are all named , and merely offers a few definitions , some of which must be regarded as tentative .
14 To identify and measure the trade-offs that exist between economic objectives so that the policy-maker is made aware of how much of one must be given up to get more of another , e.g. 2 per cent more inflation or 0.5 per cent less unemployment .
15 After the order has been made , two sealed copies of it must be sent to the interim receiver who must , in turn , send one copy to the debtor .
16 Marx 's theory about what causes the historical process has been very widely discussed and we shall return to it again and again in this book , but even at this stage a simple account of it must be given .
17 Though not all his points are equally well taken , there can be no doubt that he is right in his basic assertion that the Kanunname is shot through with anachronisms suggesting sixteenth-century alterations and additions and that any provision of it must be treated with reserve and checked against other sources before being accepted as being genuinely of the time of Mehmed II .
18 Sexual intercourse has to take place against the will of the complainant and in general this means that some force or the threat of it must be used .
19 Prescribed particulars of the authority and any exercise of it must be contained in the company 's annual report and accounts ( the Yellow Book , Section 5 , Chapter 2 , para 21(p) and CA 1985 , Sched 7 , Part II ) .
20 It applies , in principle , whether the case is one of a trust , express or implied , of partnership , of directorship of a limited company , of principal and agent , or master and servant , but the precise scope of it must be moulded according to the nature of the relationship .
21 But to these targets needs to be added an analysis of what must be achieved in order to obtain them , in terms of both the behaviour and attitude of consumers : and of more functional matters such as ( for example ) greatly improved distribution — to put it in what is , from the agency 's point of view , the most defensive way possible , it is too easy to blame the advertising when the sales force has failed to achieve the necessary levels of retail distribution to support the required sales .
22 It is perfectly true that there is nothing conclusively in the poem to make us identify the first stair with Dante 's Inferno , the second with his Purgatorio , the third with Paradiso ; as there is not ( a more piercing uncertainty ) anything to determine for us whether ‘ the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green ’ , with his ‘ music of the flute ’ , is an image of what must be renounced in order to achieve Paradise , or else an image of how terrestrial life can most nearly attain the paradisal .
23 In the strident campaign of December 1918 the Unionists were in their element , sure of what must be done as no other party was sure .
24 It gave me a much clearer idea of what must be done to raise interest in sustainability in Wales .
25 We have attempted to map out our vision of what must be done in Wales to move towards sustainability , in our response to the Government 's proposed UK National Sustainability Report .
26 The TGWU will outline details of what must be done to improve Scotland 's transport systems in a motion to the Labour Party 's Scottish conference in Inverness today .
27 My Lords , Government is not prepared to retain the land itself for the future development of what must be regarded as one of the world 's greatest libraries .
28 The issue of what must be disclosed ( and when ) in order to obtain a consent which will operate as a defence to an allegation of breach of fiduciary duty , will now be considered .
29 In an analysis of verbal learning , Gibson ( 1940 ) argued that much of what must be learned in a paired associate task involves establishing discrimination among the items .
30 The only specialist service for such youngsters is run here in the region … the report says more like it must be set up .
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