Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] being [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why else would he read so much into her innocent conversation with a stranger , or casually lie about their being lovers to the hotel receptionist ?
2 Rights , which constitute the groundwork of the State , inhere in individuals by virtue of their being members of society : ‘ A State which neglects them fails to build its foundations in the hearts of its citizens . ’
3 There is no evidence of their being part of any coherent overall design .
4 In the event of there being stocks to be disposed of or a period during which essential support for the Licensed Software is required , temporary use of these devices may be agreed by separate negotiation in writing .
5 A precise use of imagination with regard to religion is that without it a person can quite easily not even consider the possibility of there being truth in religion .
6 I think peop it 's clear that that could be a very useful part of er of there being care in people 's homes .
7 All night long the thought of his being hand in glove with Harry Martin had lingered at the back of her mind .
8 So what are the main advantages of us being part of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism ?
9 In all of us , a certain part of our being lives outside of time .
10 Er does anyone have any comments on this , with it being money for Ents in general ?
11 Well with it being sort of half warm and
12 I suggest , then , that the alleged non-naturalness of good and bad consists in their being properties of things which follow from what the things are like but which do not contribute to things being like what they are like .
13 Classification , he shows , involves selection and isolation of elements whose meaning derives from their being part of a system rather than from any intrinsic significance .
14 The network of friends people built up when married often depends on their being part of a couple .
15 We need to shift to the procedure that we would probably have and a tell me if I 'm wrong I thought there was a sort of general agreement without it being sort of firmly agreed that we were going to go for a format of subject specific reports still coming to form tutor who would complete some sort of general report , is that
16 He also wrote a two-volume work on The Architecture of Robert and James Adam ( 1922 ) , which led to work at Adam 's Royal Society of Arts and in 1925 to his being consultant to the eighth Earl of Jersey at Osterley Park .
17 Indeed , a large part of a horse 's psychological wellbeing is dependent on it being part of a herd , or at least having the companionship of one or two others .
18 and , and , and the Kuomintang is not yet set up any local government or national government , it 's before that but there are , but , but it is I mean I , I , I , I take your point about it being sort of a microcosm
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