Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] even the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A strong man himself , Henry bred strong sons for whom even the great Angevin Empire was too small .
2 So there would be stray references and allusions in the feature articles to events of great consequence or intrinsic interest of which even the bird-brained wives of the garden suburbs of malai-land were cognisant but not 1 , Adolph Ng , BA ( Hons ) Toronto .
3 The ease with which even the bourgeois travel nowadays comes as an agony to one who has ‘ the Bosphorus in the soul ’ .
4 The frost freezes the water , not the vine , and a protective cocoon is formed , within which even the tenderest shoots remain safe .
5 Today , the response based on total ignorance is still alive and well in circumstances in which even the limited attention given to gender discrimination in schools far exceeds its identification as an issue in the provision of educational opportunities for adult women .
6 As he stood contemplating it , as if hesitating to violate its calm , there was a moment of extraordinary silence in which even the muted roar of the traffic in the avenue was stilled and in which it seemed to him that two images , the shining façade of the house and that dusty blood-boltered room in Paddington , were held suspended out of time , then fused so that the stones were blood splattered , the caryatids dripped red .
7 The subject is one of great theoretical complexity , in which even the so-called experts find it easy not merely to disagree but to disagree about what questions to ask .
8 This tendency to treat the local population as an adjunct to the scenery is a problem to which even the rural aficionados among the newcomers can fall prey and by which they can unwittingly cause offence .
9 Niki loses six seconds to the sort of ill manners to which even the greatest drivers are subject .
10 At meetings of the European Parliament 's Human Rights Committee ( at which even the French Communists stayed silent ) , Newens compared Ceauşescu 's plan to demolish half the villages in Romania and to relocate millions of people into standardized concrete blocks with the effects of redevelopment around Kings Cross on his own constituents .
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