Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] and in [art] " in BNC.

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1 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
2 Ewood Park is a lucky ground for them and in the first half they went for Blackburn with all guns blazing .
3 A palliasse had been laid for me and in a corner were the rolled palliasses of others .
4 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
5 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee had been sitting before McCarthy and it went on after him and in the long run this damaged more people .
6 Leaning forward , he suddenly tilted her face towards him and in the same movement covered her lips with his .
7 He leaned towards her and in a whisper he said , ‘ I do n't think I 'll waken her . ’
8 The LIFT-RIGHT-LEG sub-function of the WALK function is not a part of it and in no way a module of it .
9 The only problem is that we are not doing enough of it and in the right way .
10 The curtains fluttered as the figure moved behind them and in a moment parted to reveal a metal bedstead with a grubby patchwork quilt , shelves jostling with books — and Vic , or so Mungo presumed .
11 Then strangely the sun began to turn black and the sky dark and as she breathed the shadow of his name she felt her legs folding beneath her and in a moment she had fainted .
12 Are you coming in with me and in the library or whatever ?
13 investigation already in train and had become co-terminous with it and in no way dominant .
14 By digging ditches and placing objects in them and in the surrounding soils , it is possible to assess how finds move and become mixed as the sides of the ditch weather and collapse inwards , carrying the finds with them .
15 Light and dark imagery represent the opposites life and death as the imagery gets darker while the poet gets closer to death both in himself and in the poem .
16 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
17 The launcher was only six feet away from him and in a few seconds thousands of people were going to die horribly .
18 It was almost at this moment , too , that the door was thrust open and the indignant lady stood within it and in a loud voice proclaimed in her most officious manner : ‘ When you have come to yourself enough to apologise , Peggy , I 'll see you upstairs in my room .
19 Like a chain reaction , such suspicions quickly breed upon themselves and in the convoluted world of intelligence find ready ears because there is always someone willing to denigrate another person 's opinions .
20 It did improve the image and it it improved people 's confidence I think in themselves and in the area .
21 The virtues the knights seek to develop , both in themselves and in the world , are always under assault .
22 He was in authority over them and in a class above them .
23 That has brought us back again to the conundrum which you posed to me and in the face of which I had to express my helplessness — namely , how do we make the silent majority unsilent since that is by definition impossible ?
24 Mike Powell was handing over to me and in the general melee of the race he had run out of his box and I had run out of my lane , so we were disqualified twice !
25 He took a very long time over it and in the end just lipped the hole .
26 and the import of this publication was reflected in the citations that have subsequently been made to it and in the reviews which appeared including : Glenn W. Frank writing in Professional Geographer ( 1965 , 17 , p. 46 ) :
27 Over the next few months we talked and prayed about it and in the Spring we submitted applications for staffing on the King 's Lodge Base at Nuneaton , starting in April 1993 .
28 And when I think back you know when I think about it and in the lower class of family even pyjamas were unknown .
29 The algae photosynthesise food for themselves and in the process absorb carbon dioxide from the water .
30 She smiled at me and in the dark her mouth seemed covered in blood , and looking at her , I felt sick , disgusted with her , with myself , with everything .
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