Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The subjective impressions which RHA managers formed on their visit to the hospitals while they were deciding what to do about them has continually to be borne in mind .
2 The difference between them lies simply in the fact that while do situates the infinitive in time as an actualization , the modals only situate it as a potentiality .
3 One solution is to allocate property rights over the resources , so that the cost of the individual 's use of them falls only on the individual .
4 The later stages , at still higher Rayleigh number , have not yet yielded to theoretical analysis and our knowledge of them comes entirely from experimental observation .
5 I hate it when you walk past someone goes right in front of you and you sort of give it you do n't care if he 's ten feet tall you just look at him like this and you see this nasty greeny .
6 Individuals and corporations hold portfolios of assets , the precise composition of which depends both on the characteristics of those assets and on the asset holder 's attitude to risky outcomes .
7 Here an example will suffice : a challenge to a decision of a non-governmental body , such as a trade union , the jurisdiction of which depends solely on contract , is a private action .
8 The archaic heritage consists of religion , tradition and morality , most of which operates unconsciously in people , and yet affects their connections with society .
9 All of which says more about Callinicos , and the limits on his knowledge and interests , than it does about the work .
10 All of which bodes well for our chances in the ‘ Britain in Bloom ’ ( Prettiest Village — or whatever ) Competition at the end of July .
11 Once again Britten keeps his grip on the music with the help of a formal scheme , this time a rondo with episodes the third of which alludes directly to Grimes by quoting the two distinct themes of his phrase , " What harbour shelters peace , away from tidal waves , away from storms " [ 10 ] , followed by a pointed combination of his next theme , " With her there 'll be no quarrels " , with one of the most agitated of the semitonal storm motifs ( almost the next time Peter and Ellen meet on stage they do quarrel ) .
12 Included are regular guided walks , one of which leaves early after a very serious breakfast !
13 They 're very professional , very entertaining and almost meaningless , all of which augurs well for their chances of succeeding in the West .
14 The huge quantity of accumulated paper values are tokens , the realisation of which lies wholly in the future and depends , on the one hand , on the conditions of capitalist reproduction and , on the other hand , on the very existence of the capitalist system .
15 These cells are specialized sensory neurones embedded in a mucous membrane , each of which connects directly with the brain by means of a single long nerve fibre .
16 Geologically , the most critical zone is the junction between the two plates , which is defined by two major physical features ; the extreme depths of the Chile-Peru Trench , which runs along just off-shore of the continent , and the extreme heights of the Andes mountains , the crest line of which runs parallel to and 350 kilometres east of the Trench [ see Fig. 3 ] .
17 There have been more cancelled and postponed competitions here in the last few years than live ones — all of which reflects badly on the BMC as controllers .
18 The Oxford manner , in short , the knack of which consists wholly in getting away with it .
19 Presumably , RasGRF is recruited to the membrane by a different mechanism in response to incoming signals , the nature of which has yet to be determined .
20 Whatever lingering nostalgia he might have felt , Delves chose to look ahead , to concentrate on the new business opportunities that Mr Akayev is keen to encourage in his ‘ little Switzerland ’ , most of which has only in recent months been opened up to foreigners .
21 A friend of mine dresses entirely in Harrods , bought in the January sales .
22 The manual alerts the teacher to the kinds of ‘ errors ’ children are most likely to make and emphasises that in the ‘ correct ’ drawing ‘ the front of the road occupies the whole width of the picture , and the distant end of it vanishes away to a point far back on the horizon ’ .
23 I get on my knees and manage to wipe away nearly all of the blood , though some of it sticks stubbornly in the crevices of the floor .
24 In describing these ways of sensing , I am probably going beyond the bounds of what pertains especially to the feminine , since these are basic human abilities .
25 Of what hangs here for ever
26 Anyone who inspects the cobbles closely will find , if he makes a successful Int test ( Physician or Physician 's Student +10 ) that the greasiness is due to many small gobbets of what looks very like the remains of human fat .
27 Much of what matters most in religious experience and belief is personal and private .
28 William Beveridge showed more appreciation of the problems posed by the burden of women 's household tasks when he stated that the ‘ housewife 's job , with a large family is frankly impossible and will remain so unless some of what has now to be done separately in every home can be done economically outside the home ’ ( although he never failed to assume that the final responsibility for domestic work rested with women ) .
29 Each of us lies somewhere on a spectrum of ability to show feeling which is reflected in our behaviour .
30 The truth is that the best cleanser for you depends largely on your skin type and how much make-up you wear .
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