Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [subord] at the " in BNC.

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1 Well , you do n't wan na worry about them because at the end of the day , I mean if if that was absolutely desperate I shall turn round and say well I 'm sorry I 've bloody got to and that 's it !
2 A military-bureaucratic oligarchy is functional to the needs of a state which requires a degree of autonomy from class interests in order to mediate between them while at the same time preserving capitalism as the dominant mode of production and private property as a fundamental institution .
3 Nobody 's criticising you nobody 's making I 'm not making a criticism of her cos at the end of the day right if we now talking the scenario that we 're painting now let's take this girl on , not girl girl on right , you can have cos she 's far more impressive .
4 aged quite rapidly , we were lucky with ours cos at the time I could n't , you know thought she was about twelve ,
5 He 's better here , better with us than at the Sebsky … ’
6 All I 'm saying is I 've got to have people , I 've got confidence in me because at the end of the day I 'm responsible
7 I do n't think , I feel a bit sorry for her because at the moment they 're running a teaching profession down so much are n't they ?
8 So we thought , No if we can stop them to speak to them cos at the end of the day we ca n't actually stop them going up , we can give them as much harassment as we can yes er and keep within the law .
9 or abilities and build on it cos at the moment everybody 's re-inventing the wheel and you 're making a lot of work in my opinion .
10 Like it 's different if you 're working for yourself because at the end of the day it all goes in your own pocket .
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