Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [coord] [pron] 'll " in BNC.

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1 As one famous sportsman put it , ‘ Agree to do something for nothing and they 'll tell you where the bus stop is ; ask to be paid and they 'll send the limo . ’
2 Negative numbers , directed numbers all sorts of funny names for them and people get very confused about them but we 'll sort those out we 'll have a look at the number line which is a good way of doing it .
3 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I 'll close it for him .
4 And if I may we 'll set something up for them and we 'll try and get the shirt on the telly and whatever and try and get people to remember .
5 Yeah I said to her if you look up what they were I 'll pay you for them and I 'll have them if you like he 's a real sweetheart he 's a good boy yeah Look what I bought today Tony .
6 Agree to work for me and we 'll both have solved our problems . ’
7 I 'll never forget them for what they did for me and I 'll miss them all terribly , ’ she added .
8 I appreciate everything they have done for me and I 'll never forget that .
9 It went : ‘ Dear citizens , vote for me and I 'll give you houses .
10 ‘ You two wait here for me and I 'll join you in a minute or two , ’ she said .
11 Come to work for me and I 'll forget about the money you owe me . ’
12 Now what I want you to do is ask yourself do n't discuss it just write down for me and I 'll go round the table .
13 Do n't try going out yourself or you 'll catch it .
14 ‘ They wo n't see any less of me and I 'll always have a key to the house , ’ he said .
15 If you can manage to get one photo of a gunmen in all that crowd , how many more were there they did n't get a photo of you know , erm , so that 's bull shit for a start the said that they only fired upon identified targets , going on motorbikes , and erm , I mean the thing is , the para 's are a highly disciplined , highly trained apparently at a you were n't even allowed to go out there without at least five years experience yeah , they were soldiers , they need and I ca n't believe that they negligibly you know , cos there was women and children there , and nearly all of them had wives and kids , you know , and there was reports from like the Irish saying oh yeah , they were mixing body er , care and body people and fucking laughing and joking over dead bodies and my old man said yeah if you just , if you just seen something drop most people will laugh and joke about it , you know I do n't know if you 've ever meet this sort of , old man , but the service sort of a , a unique sense of they can laugh at anything , you know they can see somebody with its guts put out in front of them and they 'll fucking crack out about it , its the only way they can stop themselves cracking up , or fucking crying sort of thing .
16 I said scramble some of them and I 'll make you some chips cos we had
17 Come on , go through some of them and I 'll tell you how how crap they are .
18 ‘ I hope our Mum do n't start borrowin' off of 'er or she 'll never get it back . ’
19 Harvey thinks very highly of you and you 'll be a great comfort to him .
20 Just give me a photograph of you and I 'll give you a card .
21 so , I do , you 're not going to get killed , I just say Mr you threatening Mike and he 'll go no Helen because I 'm incredible scared of you and I 'll go I know you are
22 ‘ Your dad 's very proud of you and he 'll think you 're really clever , making a tree-house . ’
23 ‘ But Richard said , get hold of him and we 'll persuade him .
24 ‘ All of it and we 'll be laughing . ’
25 See what you can make of it and we 'll discuss it later .
26 But erm , anyway er , tell us what you made of it and we 'll take it from there , I think .
27 Then you piss off out of it and we 'll say no more . ’
28 What can we get out of it and we 'll do that tomorrow , we 'll derive y'know estimates of expectations , co-efficients and and elasticities and it 's those sorts of things that you might be asked to in an exam but , you wo n't need to derive anything in your exams
29 So we 're trying to encourage the equipment suppliers now to look again at what they have won on business for Eurofighter and perhaps allocate the work between themselves a lot more efficiently so that instead of each one of the four members building a given percentage of the five items , they say right we 'll take this one , all of it and we 'll build all of it , you take that one , all of it and build that one and so on an and in that way we might be able to er er improve considerably on the costs of production .
30 and we 'll put a cross on the bottom of it and I 'll put you a piece of plywood across it and you can stick your nuts on or whatever
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