Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 At this Drew became disturbed and emotional , and said that , if the three people that he had previously named — the Lindos and Norman Stubbs , the stage manager — could not testify that he was at the theatre at the time of the murder , he knew of no-one else who could , but he certainly did not commit any murder , nor was he seen in Cross Street with blood on his face .
2 When the bus pulled to a halt and I got off I was relieved because I had finished school and I had the weekend ahead of me so I could enjoy myself .
3 you know I mean it 's not just one of them surely she could give the police some indication of what he 's like
4 And this school , of which afterwards he could only remember that he was so homesick , must have helped the mind which was alleged to be backward and was not .
5 Later , with the fuselage loaded on a lorry and at least one-and-a-half of everything else they could find in spares , they started to assess the rebuild .
6 His enemies said that he was a politician without a cause , but if that was the worst they could say of him then he could indeed look towards the White House .
7 She 'd wondered who 'd handle that side of it somehow she could n't imagine the night manager himself with a housekeeping trolley piled high with sheets and towels .
8 Well now er , if you 've got some critical comments about the management of it perhaps you could write and we have a look at them .
9 Oh they , they say it 's all controllable so that I 've , I 've answered , I have n't just let the Environmental Health wash over me I 've actually written back to them again , er I 'll be interested to see whether I get a letter back from them , but I phoned up the Council this morning and they 're rejecting on two grounds , one is to do with the highway and the sort of the traffic situation coming in there , although the , the authority , the Highway Department are n't objecting to it and the other one is erm , on local environmental issues I think you know that is , is unsuitably , unsuitable environmentally to the area well I can only say that I 'm grateful to the planning , to the planning offices for they 're going out on a limb if you like because I think they 're on thin ice erm and so long as the committee will , will back them up I mean I do n't know of what else I could of done as a person
10 ( Parent : ‘ Now we know more about what each of us feels , can you think of anything else we could do or say so we do n't get into this disagreement again ? ’ )
11 So I brought them home with me so I could , I could take in actual fact I could take them back .
12 I think he had a little corner in his heart for me but if we had got together and he had gone off with someone else I could n't have stood the hurt and humiliation .
13 I replied that if colleagues agreed with him then we could forget about the whole review .
14 She we nicked off with it so it could be anything .
15 He did n't notice me , but lapsed heavily into what even I could recognize as elementary German .
16 Looters carried clothes out of shop windows along with anything else they could lay their hands on .
17 I think that the issue really is erm are there ways in which perhaps they could be helped to do this more productively , and are there ways in which they could be helped to do this rather more collaboratively than perhaps they have done so in the past ?
18 I played a couple of hundred sons-of-bitches on TV and was making some good money from it so I could afford to buy as much booze as I wanted .
19 If he had chosen to confide in anyone then he could not have said clearly what was the summit of his aspiration .
20 He tried to lighten his mood , grinning at her like a schoolboy , ‘ Apart from anything else we could make love at breakfast-time , lunch-time and tea-time . ’
21 He 'd have to wait two or three hours while Customs ran it across the road to me so I could make a quick video dub for Hurley or his spook friends before they returned the original and let the guy on through to Nicosia .
22 If Ministers were tempted to give undertakings to the Committee , on which unfortunately I could not serve because I was dealing with other orders such as the Scottish seed potato order at the time , what has happened is a bit below the belt .
23 ‘ Anyway , I did n't give it to you so you could go drippy on me .
24 Madam Chairman if I may just make a comment of concern that information was not , on this point was not forthcoming to the county councillors of that area perhaps to make er give them an opportunity to make comment prior to you so you could make this delegated action .
25 Just tell him what we want him to give us , you know if he gave us the advance nod on something then we could either you know deal it exclusive or we 'll put it all round , you know , whichever they prefer .
26 If he had kissed her with passion or some brutal demand to impose his will on her then she could have found the strength to fight him , but there was no way she could resist this aching tenderness , this joining that made them one whole .
27 I longed to prove you were unfaithful to him so I could make him throw you over — I felt like a monster with every ungenerous thought that flickered through my mind .
28 We probably could have got the driver out quicker , but the door was impinging on him so we could not use cutting equipment .
29 The Ife smiths were so self-confident that they seem always to have allowed a casting to cool slowly inside the mould instead of splashing cold water over it so it could be opened and checked quickly , which is the usual modern African practice , The slow cooling allowed the metal crystals to grow .
30 At night , when he was getting ready for bed , he would switch on his bedside lamp and stand with his back to it so he could see his shadow against the far wall .
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