Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [prep] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 However , once again , the Council may be assuming too great a role for itself in meeting this need .
32 It should quickly pay for itself by saving computational time , increasing accuracy and reducing parts costs by minimising expenditure on E48 or E96 parts where cheaper E24 values will do .
33 Investment in an agency , branch or subsidiary will be expected to pay for itself by generating extra business .
34 Now she could use the shop windows to look behind her without arousing any suspicions .
35 ‘ Pa would 've been livid with me for getting pregnant , and he would n't want his precious fiddle going to pay for anything to do with it . ’
36 The factor which has weighed most with me in reaching this conclusion is the scheme of the Act as shown by its treatment of trusts .
37 If , if , if I could summarize , if you could bear with me by saying that , there is no embracing legislation which covers fire safety , and there is no legislation which actually prioritizes it .
38 Not the part about Jeff and Silvia disappearing off together — though she felt angry with them for doing that , she was n't totally surprised .
39 ‘ They were pretty threatening but we tried to reason with them by offering free meals to children .
40 Accordingly , the Commission considered that there was a great likelihood that customers , who had already acquired ATR or De Havilland commuters , would stay with them in placing future orders .
41 It has been decided to recruit a number of ‘ volunteer ’ Area Organisers to keep records of classes int heir area and Pat hopes that you will co-operate with them in giving fullest details of your classes so that communications can be improved both within the Society and with the public .
42 Eventually the Bomb Disposal took it away with them after making certain it was harmless .
43 If I just wanted you , I 'd be able to spend time alone with you without going half crazy .
44 I am not angry with you for writing such innocent letters as these .
45 P1 is not a LP , but we shall see that it can be transformed into one by observing that criterion ( 10.1 ) can be rewritten as and , if we define deviation variables d 1 , e 1 , > 0 to satisfy then , provided at least one of d 1 and e 1 is zero , ( 10.2 ) is equal
46 Furious with herself for allowing such a situation , she pushed Marc 's hand away , panting slightly with suppressed emotion at the misunderstandings she knew must follow .
47 She was annoyed with herself for allowing this man to overhear her secret thoughts .
48 He should have been less intimidating now he was seated , but she still felt uneasy , and she was annoyed with herself for showing any weakness , but she could n't help the quiver in her voice , the tears that pricked behind her eyes .
49 She was irritated with herself for feeling nervous .
50 Again her mother 's face and voice came before her , and she hurried past the Indian , annoyed with herself for feeling embarrassed .
51 Immediately she was annoyed with herself for sounding defensive .
52 ‘ I see , ’ Anne said triumphantly , obviously pleased with herself for eliciting this bit of information .
53 She was immediately annoyed with herself for becoming defensive .
54 His new found maturity on and off the court is impressing many and diluting the controversial image he has carried with him since turning professional four years ago .
55 Indeed John is so enthusiastic that one can not be with him without catching some of his zeal in the cause , and I can not regret our coming , though looking anxiously forward to our return .
56 When the baby had finished Tess played with him without showing much enthusiasm .
57 While her husband occupied himself with making mental notes as to his proposed victim 's physical constitution and disposition of character , Cleo amused herself with Lorimer , communicating with him by pulling delightful impish faces and fluttering her hands .
58 The clock began to whirr above him before striking ten .
59 People might 've messed around with it by putting this overhead profit to risk , they might 've put a negative er element in there , er they might 've put a high-cost element in there , they might put nought in there , so it 's very difficult to recognise that , that bill rates er from the labour , or the labour from the bill rate , there is n't a standard relationship , nowhere near .
60 ‘ I was born into the trap , he walked into it in avoiding another kind of servitude , with his eyes open , but not looking where he was going .
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