Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] but it " in BNC.

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1 This might have been all very well for my ego but it put me in the position of a complete novice , with my boss listening critically from the platform to everything I said on his behalf .
2 ‘ Son of Thatcher ’ may have provided a holding position in the first days after his election but it has no life left in it .
3 Linda became a target for abuse from others who knew about her friendship but it did n't worry her .
4 The old lady was quite sprightly for her age but it took a long time for them both to reach the top floor .
5 It should have been the best day of my career but it turned into a nightmare . ’
6 I was just wondering if I could change the timetable of my visit but it is n't important … ’
7 ‘ You blame me for returning to England because of my job but it was n't just that and it was n't all my fault . ’
8 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
9 ‘ The firework burned the top of her head but it was lucky it was n't her face . ’
10 No doubt your gran often gave your mum the benefit of her advice but it probably never occurred to her , as it has n't occurred to you , that your mother longs for love , company and sex .
11 It had been a mere moment of whiteness seen out of the corner of her eye but it had not moved purposefully like a horse does with a rider .
12 " And everywhere he is in chains ! " cried the Collector urgently in his delirium , causing both young ladies to turn anxiously towards his bed but it was nothing , merely a passing fancy in his overheated brain .
13 His hat was stuck on top of his head but it looked as though it would blow off at any minute .
14 I daresay you find this strange and may think I am ungrateful when after all I have been given the chance to set up for myself which is not given to many of our station but it is a surprise to me too .
15 which it ca n't be right cos , I suppose in a way it 's none of our business but it is I mean if it gets to it , it puts our company in financial difficulties it means it 's jobs on the line int it that sort of thing
16 He maybe sees a different process and and I do n't know about you Chairman but it would it would help me to see if to hear whether they they see a different process at work .
17 She tried to invoke the memory of sudsy hot water to protect her against their smell but it was no help .
18 She felt the beat of his heart against her breast but it only came halfway to comforting her .
19 Some of the secondary girls considered such goings on beneath their dignity but it was n't long before they began to take an interest and help out in the " Ox-farm " .
20 I 'm not too happy with my form but it 's another race under my belt . ’
21 ‘ I first met Julie when I walked into her gallery but it took me three years to walk out with her as my wife , ’ he says .
22 Melanie nudged the detached torso with her foot but it was too heavy to shift .
23 Edith 's in love with her husband but it 's a boring love , nothing exciting ever happens and she probably goes to bingo .
24 She could sympathize with his chagrin but it was hardly enough to keep him awake at night .
25 Richard Barker commented : ‘ We were pleased with our catalogue but it is difficult to quantify just how much extra business these kinds of promotional tools generate . ’
26 So that did n't go down too well with our lot but it 's either that or it blow up all the time .
27 He hardly moved it in my chest but it felt like liquid fire .
28 It would probably add to the complications in my life but it would probably lessen the hours that I have on my own , though God knows , I do n't do too badly .
29 Zak raised his eyes vaguely in my direction but it would have been tactless to disrupt the thoughts behind them , so I pressed on forward , traversing the dayniter and the sleeping cars and arriving at the forward dome car .
30 It 's probably unnecessary attention at this point in my career but it would be good for the sport in this country .
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