Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] be in " in BNC.

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1 Rousseau 's conception of society , at least in Du Contrat Social , was the exact opposite of that of individualist writers like Hobbes and Bentham , for whom society was in essence a collection of discrete individuals , held together by laws and authority .
2 In the distance a squad limbers up for physical training ; they wear training shoes rather than boots , indicating that for them training is in its earliest stages .
3 I enjoyed the function and my friends kept me in good cheer as I was obviously anxious about my husband being in the Gulf and did have a few too many drinks .
4 Sometimes girls are there because they are very young or they are homeless , sometimes it is because their parents can not cope at home with the responsibility for them and a newborn baby , and in other cases a home takes in and assesses girls whose ability to look after their baby is in question .
5 Needless to say a considerable number of indignant gallery owners have protested , not only because they have been demoted , but because the list which contains the details about which gallery is in which category has been widely circulated .
6 She found herself bending over the old woman and hissing at her , ‘ If it 's so natural , Great-gran , why did a woman approach me today , the mother of one of the little girls at school , and suggest that my daughter was fantasising about her father being in the bath with her .
7 The crusading ideal was by no means moribund among the nobility of south-west France , but opportunities for its expression were in decline .
8 It is certainly true that at the time of the Butler Education Act the school curriculum was not much discussed in public , although certain assumptions about its content were in fact incorporated in the Act .
9 Arrangements for their release were in hand but would depend on individual cases and the implications for public order .
10 The family were staying with a friend of my grandmother 's in La Ciotat , a small harbour town near Marseille , our normal home .
11 Shape and form are of greater importance to me than colour , so much of my work is in black and white .
12 Parents ( and much of my work was in the poorer areas of the inner city ) were better informed .
13 ‘ Most of my work was in Denmark and Sweden , then when I came back to England , Twiggy 's skinny figure was in vogue and mine did n't match up ! ’ she says .
14 Now , a copy of my will 's in there , too , and it 's also with the solicitor .
15 I enjoyed the congratulations and little bit of adulation , but I managed to keep some words of my father 's in my mind .
16 We sipped — or in my case gulped — the weak but tasty punch , nibbled on Aunt Tone 's buffet-bits , and played Alternative Charades ; an invention of my father 's in which one first has to guess the category of the thing one is being asked to decipher .
17 ‘ But I was cautious about it too as I 'd seen both sides — the periods of unemployment as well as the glossy side of my father being in something so popular like Howards ' Way . ’
18 I was soaked in perspiration and the muscles running the length of my spine were in spasm .
19 Most of my family is in the medical profession and doctors always seem to be full of drama .
20 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
21 Local authority employment increased by 2.5 per cent over the same period , despite a reduction in refuse collection and disposal , the main field till then of tendering to private-sector firms ; ‘ although most of these firms claim to have a national presence , the great bulk of their work is in the South East and coverage of other areas is often patchy ’ ( Le Grand and Robinson , 1984 , 60 ) .
22 Since a high proportion , normally at or near 100 per cent , of their work was in teacher education , looking at BEd proposals meant in fact judging the institution as a whole , and the CNAA knew from the outset that many of the colleges hoping for validation would not be adequately staffed , experienced and resourced to teach at degree level .
23 Although we know it is important to teach children that the roots of their culture are in the village , and in the preservation of values and the importance of agriculture , if you look at the primary and secondary level , we find that these aspects are not much stressed .
24 Furthermore , the highly foliated nature of the carbon-bearing granulites suggests that much of their porosity is in the form of long thin cracks rather than less compressible , more rounded pores .
25 Much of their building was in brick and concrete faced , in republican times , chiefly with stucco and , under the empire , with marble .
26 The rest of their food was in the forest , their plan was to feed on the forest as they went .
27 Probably the most outstanding demonstration of their strength was in the 100mph Colwich collision in 1986 when despite coaches — some of them Mark 2s but largely Mark 3s — being piled on top of each other , or spreadeagled across the track , not a single passenger was killed .
28 Merely to ask the question was to imply that the justice of their cause was in doubt .
29 There was a rumour that it was all a Tory plot to ruin the Liberals ' celebration of the success of their MP 's in bringing about the repeal .
30 The department is the centre for the collection of information about the activity , the legal practice , and the reputation of members of the bar including those more senior , almost always Queen 's Counsel ( the conferment of which status is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor ) , from whom senior judicial appointments will be made .
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