Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , even the blustering von Brandis , the acclaimed conqueror of Douaumont for whom war previously seems to have held nothing but raptures , is to be found eventually expressing a note of horror ; nowhere , he declares , not even on the Somme , was there anything to be found worse than the ‘ death ravines of Verdun ’ .
2 True , he has had less to lose than his counterparts , for whom failure probably means political death .
3 She had married a man for whom duty always came first .
4 An example of such a statement might be , " For me life simply has no meaning " , or , " Even when I am enjoying myself I often feel that I do n't belong " .
5 But I was n't there , and this is to your advantage because I 'm not going to harp on about my favourite Shankly saying , or pretend I was close friends with the man like certain people do .
6 Through my mind there reverberated the words from Portrait of a Lady , ‘ Memories of my dead life , and Paris in the Spring ’ , the meaning of which every lover of Paris can echo , even if he had no dead life in either George Moore 's or Eliot 's sense , or even if his most memorable visit to Paris took place , as mine did , at another season .
7 Whether it was the disappointment showing on my face I shall never know , for my guide quickly added that it was a Celtic path and , perhaps , more than 4,000 years old .
8 The big day for my talk soon came round .
9 The hydrocarbon yield increases steadily with increasing maturity up to a reflectance of approximately 1–1.5% , after which generation gradually decreases .
10 The 43-year-old mum went through six weeks of agony after her skin literally peeled off .
11 Towards the end of her 40-week maternity leave , a childminder who was lined up to look after her baby suddenly pulled out .
12 GUNG HO Captain ‘ Birdseye ’ was heading home from icy seas last night after his crew almost starved to death .
13 Denise Morrison with baby Andrew after his test yesterday Picture : PETER PRICE
14 Species of shrews that have poor eyesight and rely on established pathways to find their way about their territory often fall victim to pits that open up in their vicinity , running straight in without seeing them .
15 Female science students may make the girls think again about their decision not to continue with science .
16 Actors who are serious about their work always look on the voice and movement class as an important part of their life .
17 The complicated nature of women 's response to doctors ' views about their role also characterised the way in which women dealt with the whole area of sexual difference and its implications for their position in terms of both the separation of spheres and of female dependency within the private sphere of home and family .
18 Women who speak publicly about their situation often find themselves ostracised by friends and neighbours .
19 Most are still very much in the closet , however , and those who are more or less open about their sexuality rarely prioritise gay representation on their broadcasting agenda .
20 Fabia was seated in the back of the Mercedes , with Ivo driving down into the valley , when the smile which had been sporting about her mouth suddenly froze .
21 Sometimes an emigrant would advertise in the newspaper in Madeira for a suitable wife , marry her by proxy and pay for her passage out to join him when he could afford it .
22 The reasons for her popularity however owed little to her musical or thespian talents .
23 He knew that the embers of whatever she had once felt for her fiancé still glowed .
24 He could n't bear to hear his mother mourn for her loss so continued to visit infrequently , leaving the main responsibility to his sister , who genuinely mourned her father .
25 In his report published two days ago in which he accused the Department of Trade and Industry of ‘ substantial maladministration ’ over the Barlow Clowes affair , Sir Anthony wrote : ‘ He ( the liquidator ) believed that the warrant for her arrest still remained outstanding . ’
26 With an estimated 14,500 aircraft visiting the Convention during its week long run , Wittman 's 6 mile flightline is crammed to capacity , and yet everything is in a controlled , orderly environment .
27 Miss Lister administered it herself , and during her life there continued the practice she had begun in 1817 of keeping a daily journal .
28 And she is proving a terrific attraction with JUST FOUR two-hour long weekend footplate slots remaining free ( at the time of going to press ) during her month long stay … two available on November 8 , and one each on the 14th and 15th .
29 There was a long silence , during which Folly almost held her breath .
30 The great depression of the 1930s during which unemployment never fell below nine per cent and at one point exceeded twenty-two per cent , meant that a large section of the population was dependent on insurance and assistance benefits .
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