Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 Abandon the obsessive search for grassroots , and value music for its distance from them , its floating free and outlandishness .
2 It was felt that the main objective of the Tory government has been to discipline the unemployed and to lay the blame for their unemployment on them rather than on government economic policy .
3 I felt such a strong love for them that I planned to spend the rest of my life among them , and to try to become more like them .
4 My career has been held back — especially in Britain — because of my association with them . ’
5 We also managed to get tins of the famous , unappreciated Spam and bully beef back from the looters and , knowing that the English liked strong tea , we boiled up more of their mixture for them , producing something of an indescribable colour that was more like a meal than a drink .
6 Small glass chandeliers tinkled in every room as the Captain 's men worked their way rapidly through the apartment , leaving no trace of their visit behind them .
7 I have also had it explained to me by other feminists campaigning for equality of treatment of wives under social security laws , that their concern was only with the wives of claimants , not of company directors — thus accepting the DHSS principle that wives should be means tested on their husbands ' resources , regardless of the extent of their access to them .
8 They 're setting off across Cirencester on a daily journey , carrying a little bit of their garden with them .
9 Managers were asked to rank the six goals in terms of their importance to them now .
10 She continued to exhibit most of her work with them and also held frequent one-woman shows at the Lefevre Gallery from 1930 onwards .
11 Midway through the next morning a footman and a supercilious lady 's maid arrived to collect her few belongings , so that the last traces of her life with them had gone .
12 When he had shut the door of her bedroom behind them both , he came to stand in front of her and stroked her face with one finger , tracing her eyebrows , the semi-circular curve of the bones under her eyes , the diagonal lines of her cheekbones , and her lips .
13 Endless reassurance had been necessary — not of her beauty , for nothing could persuade Annabel that it had not vanished , but of her value to them all , and of her family 's affection .
14 No evidence of two deaths meant no evidence of his involvement in them .
15 When she touched his soft feathers with her poisoned and fiery hands , she could feel the warmth of his body beneath them and the strong beat of his shrunken heart .
16 But he gave much of his time to them and showered them with expensive gifts .
17 The family moved to London in 1897 , and Rosenberg was educated at the Baker Street Board School in Stepney , where his natural gift for both drawing and writing so impressed the headmaster that he allowed him to spend most of his time on them .
18 She gave him a warm , friendly look , touched by the thought of his devotion to them — and brightened at the thought of playing with his children .
19 Well a percentage is taken out of your money for them .
20 You loved someone ; you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them .
21 Grant that they may always be confident of your presence with them and of their oneness with the whole family of Your church ; and grant that with one mind and one voice we may all worship You , O Christ , who with the Father and the Holy Spirit , reigns for evermore .
22 You are unlikely to be using their services for material to send out to the media , though they could be a useful source of illustrations for internal publications , but you may be able to place some of your material with them for use by other organisations .
23 The crux of recent difficulties in relation to the police lies in the ambiguity of our attitude to them .
24 Pains are not subject to our will , we do not choose to feel them , but this does not lead us to say that they have an existence independent of our experience of them .
25 The intention behind the Social Work Department 's ‘ Open Access ’ policy , agreed by the Regional Council in January 1988 , is that clients will have access to the information we hold about them , as an everyday part of our work with them .
26 The point of our discussion of them so far is that the attempt to rebut scepticism by constructing an anti-realist alternative to the realism espoused by the sceptic is not going to be easy , even if it is possible .
27 According to Berkeley , real things are dependent on , and do not exist outside of , perceiving minds ; according to common sense , however , they are independent of our perception of them .
28 We usually wear what we like on Just Like Home — but the clothes must have the name of our name-animal on them .
29 I do n't feel that music is the most appropriate forum for social change because frankly I do n't think my opinions are valid for everyone , so I would n't want my opinions echoed by hundreds of thousands of people buying T-shirts with my name on them .
30 According to Bede , Penda led thirty duces into battle at the Winwaed , including Oethelwald , king of Deira , allied with those who had slain his father rather than with his uncle against them ( HE 111 , 24 ) .
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