Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [be] [being] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And within recent years , the question of which culture is for whom is being raised in connection with every one of their activities .
2 Frank Sinatra was told at the weekend that the four pasta sauces named after him are being withdrawn .
3 Written in June 1936 , " Secrets de l'Espagne " , Nizan 's extended analysis of the Spanish situation for La Correspondance internationale , bears witness not only to his perceptiveness ( " There is emerging on the Republican horizon a fascist bid for power the conditions for which are being prepared by the social unrest orchestrated by the right " ) , but also to his enormous talent as a political reporter .
4 After the election for the chief whip , Labour MPs will vote for the restyled Shadow Cabinet , the elections for which are being weighted to ensure a minimum representation of three women .
5 They 're particularly concerned about people over 60 , many of whom are being dismissed as untreatable , even though they 're suffering pain and deformity .
6 Some of them are being taught in dining halls , store rooms and offices .
7 I 'm just trying to remember everybody in the same afternoon , to collect them all because of about six of them are being done around here
8 Lot of them are being sacked off the bloody telly in n it ?
9 Barn owls need barns or similar buildings for breeding , and more and more of them are being converted into country houses .
10 Many of them are being forced to turn the crop into cattle feed because Britain has more potatos than it needs .
11 At present there are no more than half-a-dozen British products in the fields covered by Alvey and most of them are being used experimentally .
12 Each of them is being pumped into the atmosphere in vast amounts : and the reason they are not found in vast amounts is that they are extremely reactive or soluble in water , and so are quickly converted into some other compound , or washed out by rain .
13 An exact replica of one of them is being shipped to Armenia , right down to blackboards and chalk , but it 's taken top level agreement between Mr Gorbachev and Mrs Thatcher to make it happen .
14 However , the whole lot of them were being manipulated by the men who ran the music business …
15 Most of them were being scraped from the ceiling . ’
16 Although most of them were being paid so little that employment had become a farce , an irrelevance .
17 In the early sixteenth century the prices of essential goods rose more sharply than those of inessentials , and at the same time wage differentials increased again , so it is likely that by this date population was rising again , and that as real wages declined a higher proportion of them was being spent on essential goods and less on luxuries .
18 The coal is then combined with various chemicals ( details of which are being kept secret ) which , during combustion , react with the organic sulphur and turn it into ash , thereby preventing its escape into the atmosphere .
19 General Accident are not expecting any additional claims activity as a result of the flooding in the Mid-West , the insurance costs of which are being handled under the US Government 's National Flood Insurance Programme .
20 In addition , many of those who have had their homes repossessed are now being chased by building societies and banks for the short-falls arising after the sale of their homes , many of which are being sold for less than the mortgage owing on them .
21 Several pictures were taken of the installation , some of which are being used for promotional purposes .
22 Of the nursery , the location of which is being kept secret , Mr Wood said : ‘ We are geared to taking the injured and now have veterinary backing . ’
23 The entire project including the Musselburgh and Portobello Bypasses had an estimated overall cost of £126 million , a proportion of which is being met by Central Government Grant and a European Regional Development Fund Grant .
24 The addition of Uphall will greatly enhance our capabilities in this area of business , the development of which is being masterminded by Peter Witherington .
25 The Court of Appeal has , however , subsequently held that in the exceptional cases in which a Mareva injunction might be granted in support of a foreign judgment or arbitration award ( enforcement of which is being sought in England ) the injunction will normally be limited to assets in England .
26 Mike Turner , chairman of BAe 's Jetstream Holdings subsidiary , said that over the next few years ‘ hundreds of millions of pounds ’ are due to be invested in the Jetstream family of aircraft , construction of which is being concentrated at Prestwick following an extensive reorganisation at BAe .
27 The borehole also provided new information that will lead to a structural reinterpretation of parts of the Tempisque forearc basin , the hydrocarbon potential of which is being investigated by a local organisation .
28 Meanwhile two twelve foot Axminster Jacquards are being overhauled and rep-commissioned ready for contract and export orders , the first of which is being woven for Stakis Country Court Hotels .
29 This represents a merger of the previous Law Society and National conditions of sale , use of which is being discontinued .
30 This might be the case where a firm recommends a customer to purchase an investment , the issue of which is being underwritten by the firm .
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