Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [conj] [noun prp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And if it 's a toss up between me and Susan it 's , yeah Susan !
2 ‘ But for me and Steve it was n't .
3 Figaro 's moment of jealousy outside the pavilion ( ‘ Tutto e tranquillo e placido ’ ) becomes a moment of intimacy and repose for himself and Susanna which they never achieve in the opera .
4 We always said that someone at the office called Jenkins had taken me to the local wine bar after work and we 'd run into some old girlfriend of his and Gillian who knew this girl vaguely was with her and we sort of got on immediately and made another date .
5 If he was thinking of himself and Claire his expression told her nothing .
6 Black will take it swinging it in flicked on by Rozario and the goalkeeper made up for er what might have been an error a moment or two ago by coming bravely in with Pearce right in front of him and Rozario I mean on the flick .
7 I 'm very near as fond of him as Elizabeth herself .
8 I expect that 's why it has n't been re-published , ‘ Hitler is doing wonderful things , ’ the old English craftsmen used to say , sharing their wisdom with me and Tolliday my mate .
9 She liked to go for walks and when things were going badly between herself and Simon she used to go out on her own a lot .
10 apart from me and Stuart there 's nothing personal on it really , we went me and er telling me about her problems I only put that on a tape do you ?
11 His father had confided in him and Francis himself had been surprised , not only by the nature of the confidence but also by the fact that it had been made to him .
12 Between her and Christopher there had been no euphoria to fade into the light of common day .
13 If one sixth of the money invested and lost outside the Empire , in South America alone , for example , had been given to Ireland , there might have continued that cooperation between her and England which provided British history with Burke , Goldsmith , Wellington , Boyle , Roberts , French , Beatty and Carson .
14 He had this little stylophone with him and played both parts , because ‘ Space Oddity ’ was originally written as a duet for him and Hutch who was his partner in Feathers , the mixed media group , and when David split with Hermione , he and Hutch were working as a duet .
15 In his speech to the Supreme Soviet Gorbachev emphasized that while there might have been misunderstandings between him and Pavlov there were no essential differences between them .
16 Well I told you what she said about her and Sandra you know and I wrote and said when they you know if they felt like coming for a day that 'll be alright I said but do n't be having anything to eat I 'll bring in sandwiches , I mean I , I know I 've said it 's very kind of Sandra to say , but you ca n't , they , way your relatives are coming and bringing sandwiches can ya ?
17 Well if I 'm there and I 'm a guest if she cooked for her and Martin she ca n't just ignore me !
18 Steve was a new face to me but Paul I already knew from playing football against him down at the Lillie Road recreation ground .
19 ‘ Richard has also given me many opportunities and without him and Peter my life as a freelance jockey would be made just that little bit more difficult . ’
20 The light switches are behind the bar , and no one can get at them but Pepe himself . ’
21 Terry Long was always a welcome visitor to Selhurst Park , but it was an enormous pleasure to everyone connected with Crystal Palace when he agreed to make a public return here in October 1984 to give recognition to Jim Cannon , who is the one man to have played more games for us than Terry himself did .
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