Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] is so " in BNC.

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1 I point it out because it is hidden away in a lot of business about freedom of information and other issues about which he is so keen .
2 Letts , of course , has moved in the other direction , into book publishing ( Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop has seen a 500% increase in turnover of sales of their books this year , John Harvey-Jones please note ) , but it is well worth stocking Letts ' unbeatable range of the more traditional diaries for which it is so rightly famous .
3 What if that forceful identity for which she is so severely castigated somewhere also operates as a kind of pull ?
4 Few know of the hard and unremitting labour of editing he has always been prepared to do , and for which there is so often so little proper recognition .
5 it would be reasonable to expect a person so connected and in the position by virtue of which he is so connected , not to disclose save for the proper performance of the functions attached to that position ;
6 One of the things that makes his account so useful — so much more than the anecdotal triviality of which he is so carelessly accused — is his ability to compare and contrast this informal repair work with the formal structures of explicit legal process .
7 I did , however , manage to express my views as a practitioner , as one who actually nurses in the system of which she is so poorly informed , and I suggest that if more of us did the same , then perhaps our collective expertise may have a greater influence .
8 Subject to the important exceptions below , the Transfer Regulations apply to the " transfer from one person to another of an undertaking situated immediately before the transfer in the United Kingdom or a part of one which is so situated " .
9 It is the same battle , in a new form , which dates centuries back , and which finds support from peoples all over the ‘ Third World ’ who have been fighting and dying for too long for something which is so clearly their birthright .
10 Stateless societies are so constituted that the kaleidoscopic succession of concrete social situations provides the stimulus that motivates each individual to act for his own interest or for that of close kin and neighbours with whom he is so totally involved , in a manner which maintains the fabric of society … the lack of specialized roles and the resulting multiplex quality of social networks mean that neither economic nor political ends can be exclusively pursued by anyone to the detriment of society , because the ends are intertwined with each other and further channelled by ritual and controlled by the beliefs which ritual expresses .
11 Obviously I would n't be happy with someone who is so selfish and so uninterested in me , so I suppose he 's doing me a favour , really , making it so clear .
12 Could you not persuade him to return to a country in which there is so much more room ? ’
13 In this sense , the English-speaking world can be divided into two broad speech-communities : one in which [ h ] -dropping is widespread and has social significance , and one in which it is so rare ( if it happens at all ) that it is socially irrelevant .
14 It is to discover something more of the pain of God , the hurt to which he is so constantly exposed , even now , after Sinai , and after Golgotha .
15 Why , some might question , is there such an emphasis on something which is so peripheral to the New Testament ?
16 For once this is going to be a personal review , since I ca n't really stamp an official seal of NI approval on something which is so removed from our normal territory .
17 The homosexual population , among which it is so prevalent .
18 His second for Mandarin ; it centres on a village by Heathrow and all the interconnecting relationships at which he is so good .
19 We ought to support family life as one of the foundation stones of a good society and in consequence fight determinedly against the unemployment , poverty and lack of opportunity by which it is so often menaced .
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