Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So when I appeared on the scene and there were things about me which did n't stack up … well , it was a reasonable conclusion to arrive at .
2 Yeah I 've had to re-thread their damn machine for them they did n't have it threaded up right .
3 Just who did it for them she did n't seem to know , it was all contacts of Gustav 's .
4 Miss said somebody did that for me who did n't want to do their ordinary work .
5 This whole experience had been so fast and furious for me I did n't know what I was doing any more .
6 This was how I valued other people , too — how I valued Dana , as someone who did not need to be improved but allowed to flourish in his own right , with all the confusions and contradictions of which he was capable .
7 Without pausing , she hurried on and although I called after her she did n't stop until she had reached the other side and scrambled up the rocky gully to the top .
8 Anyway , after what I did ter that silly ole goat at the sawmills the coppers might fink I 'm a villain an' try ter get the ole boy ter say I was there .
9 There was something that seemed very easy for lots of these people , and I was looking at it as somebody who did n't feel quite so easy about what they were doing .
10 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
11 In order to set a baseline her parents set aside an hour each evening for one week during which they did not tell Lindsay to stop , but recorded the duration of each nose picking session and the frequency .
12 In 1713–40 , a period during which it did hardly any fighting , the Prussian army lost over 30,000 men by desertion .
13 There was , indeed , never a day , except when he was away on short holidays , during which he did not spend some time in her company , from the time of their first association in 1919 until her death in 1951 .
14 Two weeks passed during which she did n't see him .
15 It may prevent extraordinary powers , like that of compulsorily acquiring land , from being abused for unauthorized purposes ; it may prevent a corporation , constituted for purposes of public utility , from endangering those purposes by engaging in other activities ; it may protect the creditors of a company from the dissipation of the company 's capital , to which alone , in the case of a limited company , they can look for payment , and the members from seeing their contributions applied to purposes for which they did not bargain .
16 They none of them had much money , but the Bouveries had a house , for which they did not have to pay rent .
17 It is a female eider , duller and browner now that the mating season — for which she did not , in any case , dress up — is over .
18 At least by the eleventh century every king expected to recruit a part of his army by paying mercenaries , or from knights who received a fee not in land , but in cash ; though he did his best to make his great nobles provide contingents for which he did not have to pay , or ( at least in the twelfth century ) pay him in cash if they did not serve him in person .
19 The student should not assume facts contrary to those stated in the problem for the purpose of giving the examiner a piece of information for which he did not ask .
20 If the reason for resorting to war had traditionally been to achieve territorial conquests , to obtain markets and raw materials , or to overthrow leaders of whom one did not approve , then the events of the First World War offered a corrective .
21 Naturally he was very happy when I was able to tell him that I recently came across a couple of cases of them we did n't know we had .
22 ‘ A lot of bands around then did have fairly serious personas , and a lot of them who did n't had fairly goofy personas , ’ Steve asserts .
23 We 've had a lot about politics this morning , and if the Labour Party wants to mobilize working women many of them who did n't vote Labour at the last election here is a ready made campaign to take into the next election .
24 A recent visit to the Festival of Photoreportage was the first time that Tony had met other members of the group , ‘ Some of them I did n't know and for me that was the wondrous part of being at Perpignan . ’
25 I 've now been in this game for about eighteen years and I suppose thirteen of them I did n't have two beans to rub together .
26 So I think it is turning like that but it w certainly was n't when I went to most of them I did n't , I never met anybody from Channing or Highgate or l or from north London schools anyway .
27 Each succeeding generation has made a guy in the semblance of somebody they did n't care for .
28 Then you would n't have people thinking that going to a Phish concert means you have to put up with the smell of somebody who did n't do very well at school .
29 It was as if he 'd had a sudden glimpse of a side of himself he did n't know , a side that was dark and uncontrolled .
30 After another round of serious negotiations the ARC finally agreed to release the report , the hard statistical evidence , but not the case studies , the interpretation of which they did not consider to be ‘ objective . ’
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