Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [vb past] like " in BNC.

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1 Once you got into the C C Q erm for me it sounded like a string of questions erm I could n't hear any at all or any open questions into any of the answers that were given to you on question .
2 You see , there was n't much to go on , just your name , which the housekeeper remembered , a fair idea of what you looked like , and the fact that you were somehow connected with the art world .
3 And charitably she added : ‘ To this day , I do n't know if it was because of what he looked like or because of what I looked like . ’
4 And charitably she added : ‘ To this day , I do n't know if it was because of what he looked like or because of what I looked like . ’
5 I had slides of the tumour , cross scans of what it looked like and where it was .
6 I 've got a database of what it looked like before you touched it so if it fucks up
7 What on earth was she doing , she wondered , climbing the steps of a palazzo , as behind her what seemed like the entire English colony of ex-pats in the province of Siena came straggling .
8 It picked its way forward a couple of mincing steps , dragging behind it what looked like a gigantic bunch of dried up old herbs .
9 What do you think influenced you , I mean if you went to choose a chair did you sit on it to see if it was comfortable or were you more interested in what it looked like ?
10 As she clasped her arms tightly about him they remained like that , savouring the delight of skin on skin , then Travis raised his head to look at her .
11 And something appeared to them which seemed like tongues of fire .
12 To them it sounded like a straight forward case of victimisation by the foreman .
13 To me it looked like four sheets of Kleenex wiped in something unspeakable and stapled as far away from the fold as possible .
14 It was funny — when my dad had said it to me it seemed like the rather tired , friendly sort of thing that parents often say to you .
15 ‘ You were a virgin , ’ he said flatly , and to her it sounded like an accusation .
16 I wish I 'd been told early on what I looked like and what I was doing to my body .
17 The older boys immediately saw Piggy for what he looked like .
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