Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [pron] [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 When I was feeling really low , I could have quit if it had n't been for everyone who 'd been following me , and that comes down to everyone here at the schools .
2 The make-believe pomp and affected circumstance of the people for whom they 'd been built , the doctors and lawyers and merchants and administrators of Empire who all , in one way or another , made their money out of trade but built houses like miniature castles , or palaces , to reassure themselves that they were closer to the Barons than lo the Peasants , and safe from both .
3 It turned out that she was a freelance editor for OUP , with a daughter in her early teens and a seven-year-old son for whom she had been caring single-handedly since her husband 's untimely death .
4 It was a most successful party , and the only person who failed to enjoy it was the one for whom it had been given .
5 Josh Gifford , for whom he had been first jockey before his illness and who had assured him that his position as stable jockey would be waiting for him as soon as he had recovered .
6 Ten minutes later he was joined by the couple for whom he had been waiting .
7 He felt guilty towards the child who had not survived , for whom he had been named .
8 In Henry , Arnulf finally found the potential monarch for whom he had been searching .
9 Luckily for them they had been fed and wormed regularly but no one had got near enough to handle them or consequently to put a halter on them .
10 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
11 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
12 While declaring undying love for me she 'd been busy making herself a small fortune giving kiss-and-tell interviews to some tabloid rag . ’
13 Several hearings were held , and as a teacher involved with the family , and as someone who 'd been asked officially to ‘ socialise , them , Mr M was asked to give information to the Children 's Panel .
14 His sister , Linda Lee , who called at the house , said her children were talking about someone who had been killed on the railway line .
15 After what we 'd been through , it was an absolute pleasure , and many passengers refused to rejoin the plane , preferring new careers mopping up oceans of urine , and scraping generations of dried shit from the walls and little holes in the ground , rather than facing up to any more sticky orange and hostess abuse .
16 The police had been convinced it was a genuine accident that took his life ( and that of his mistress ) but after what she 'd been through , after what she had discovered , Donna could not believe that men willing to kill for the possession of a book had not taken the life of the man she 'd loved .
17 Her head was aching a bit too , but then that was not surprising perhaps after what she 'd been through this evening .
18 Some years later , we are told , travellers brought back from Italy an account of the saint 's life , about which nothing had been known previously .
19 Furthermore , even if the person warned did not repeat the conduct about which he had been warned , he could be arrested if he engaged in a different act or course of offensive conduct .
20 Negotiations between Israel and Syria , about which there had been some optimism during the sixth and the first part of the seventh round , were largely unproductive .
21 It dealt with something about which I had been writing to Social Security Ministers for about six months — abuse of the benefit-in-kind regulations , whereby highly paid people were paying themselves in gilt unit trusts .
22 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
23 However , in his central theology and sense of the nature of religion in general and Catholicism in particular , he remained extraordinarily faithful to the papacy of Pius XII during which he had been trained and ordained .
24 A MAN told the High Court sitting in Glasgow yesterday of an ordeal at an Argyll quarry during which he had been repeatedly beaten , burnt with a cigarette , had a car driven over his legs and almost hanged .
25 Moreover , it was possible to reconstruct a universe in which Christian doctrines remained intact , even if the imagery through which they had been expressed was gradually discarded .
26 It ran beside a broad , shaded boulevard of feathery pepper trees , and the sudden sight of European-style buildings made him reflect that the jungles , fields and villages through which they 'd been moving for the past few hours had remained unchanging throughout many centuries .
27 Dauntless cursed the ballot through which he had been burdened with this particular region to patrol .
28 The jagged hole through which he 'd been propelled some minutes before now rushed past his face once every minute or so .
29 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
30 Halfway outbound in the hold the scheduled traffic for which we 'd been waiting landed , and we swooped down , just catching the ILS .
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