Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adv] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
2 Almost as good as being cared for , naturally and freely , was to care for someone else and imagine yourself the recipient .
3 So there was always room to run down there and do some work for somebody else and earn a few shillings , that road .
4 ‘ So , now you can take that coat off and come and sit opposite me here and put that satchel you 're gripping so decisively there .
5 Half of them here and look at her !
6 Get rid of them today and develop some trust in your team .
7 " We can take most of them apart and use the materials again — which is what the government wants us to do . "
8 If you stir enough of them together and stand back for a few hundred million years , the result is likely to be a chemical entity capable of reproducing itself — one of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving material .
9 I hope you wrote some of them down and have started thinking very creatively towards achieving some of the short-term ones and making long-term plans for the more ambitious ones .
10 So think of a question for each of them then and write then down what you might ask them .
11 So do you so do you go together , a few of you together or do you go .
12 The children baited her into further wrath until , just as suddenly , she would snap out of it again and return to her former , demure self .
13 Lastly , if any other undertaking is required from a seller on completion , make a note of it here and prepare it now .
14 All of those of us who have n't had a heart attack live in fear of it obviously and think
15 In fact you could bring quite a bit of it in and put it in the fridge .
16 Thought , I reflect as I pull slices of it out and push them back , is as fundamental a constituent of the world as baked beans or demerara sugar .
17 Well , obviously none of us would want to separate sex from erotica , and so er , and I think we , what we 'd like , what we wanted the leaflet to do was put , put sort of sex for , for young people er and students in particular in this case into a framework that allowed loving and resp , response of attitudes and , and eroticism , yes , and so I think what the leaflet does is , is let people take care of themselves sexually and let them take responsibility for their sexual acts .
18 Why not , you should put one of hers on and say it was patterned
19 Why not tear them up like everyone else and contribute to the litter found on every bookie 's floor ?
20 I could put all that fear behind me now and get going again .
21 If you 've backed a couple of horses , and if you 'll be gone the next day , you stay there like everybody else and listen to the commentaries .
22 ‘ I had never met anyone like him before nor have I since .
23 Mistake it for something else or push it beyond its limits and its purpose may be destroyed .
24 Come out with me sometimes and tour the antique shops in this district . ’
25 If someone persists in being awkward , then as leader you can choose to continue the discussion with them elsewhere and move on to another questioner .
26 German supermarkets have resisted the idea of the PVC eating robot , as they would much rather customers took discarded packaging home with them rather than have their premises swarming with robots .
27 Look at them , acknowledge them and then tell yourself you will deal with them later and let them go .
28 Sail with someone else and carry some means of attracting attention in the event of an accident , such as flares or a daglo flag .
29 The consequences of that compromise could live with you forever and destroy your career .
30 I invite , when we walk back from school erm when she first came to live round there , and er I used to walk back from school with her sometimes and say , would you like a cup of coffee ?
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