Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Everything that I learned during my childhood in my village has remained sharply in my mind .
2 During my stay in her country we were always together , and she saved me from many dangerous situations .
3 For its good government , I committed it to Wenilo , who was at that time serving me as my clerk in my chapel " .
4 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
5 She was looking after her father in his old age as she had always said she would , but instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt — guilt at her own impatience when he behaved not as her father but like a disobedient child .
6 Childminders — who look after your child in their home — must be registered with the local authority and they and their families are regularly checked by the police , according to the 1989 Children 's Act .
7 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
8 Salim reads about their doings in his magazines of popular science , and letting Ferdinand into the secret of his interest , he feels he is revealing his ‘ true self ’ .
9 The couple do get serious when they talk about their work in their environmental consultancy , speaking to companies and giving lectures about caring for the planet .
10 Lawyers are also more familiar with the Commissioner and are more frequently pointing clients with complaints about their unions in her direction .
11 Sula was by birth a Manghutt princess , and she had lived under sentence of banishment until her son 's accession to the Dragon Throne for her part in her family 's attempt to install him as Kha-Khan while his grandfather Arjun yet ruled .
12 Hastily she searched for her purse in her bag , recalling part of their earlier conversation when he had been escorting her around the park .
13 A spokesman at the Los Angeles hospital said the 63 year old actress — famous for her roles in My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany 's had a ‘ low-grade malignancy ’ and that doctors were confident they had removed the entire tumour .
14 A BRAVE sister died yesterday as she searched desperately for her brother in their blazing home .
15 MADONNA is being tipped as an Oscar nominee for her role in her new film Body Of Evidence , which will be released in Britain next March .
16 In earlier times , the family had often held the key to power and women had more opportunity to influence affairs : thus , in feudal times , the Lady of the Manor supervised a large household , exercised great practical authority over both men and women , and stood in for her husband in his frequent absences from home .
17 Her work has been very much as ‘ back-room ’ for her husband in his political career , and jointly with him in their shared interests — two books on the church architecture of London and one on Northern Lazio in Italy .
18 Forced a cool smile , as she climbed out of the car , searched for her key in her bag .
19 The commonest ( although still rare ) type of statement is that if it appears that a Bill has passed both Houses and received the Royal Assent , no court of justice can inquire into the mode in which it was introduced into Parliament , nor into what was done previous to its introduction , nor what passed in Parliament during its progress in its various stages through Parliament ( see , e.g. , Lee v Bude & Torrington Junction Railway Co ( 1871 ) LR 6 CP 577 ; Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway Co v Wauchope ( 1842 ) 8 C1 & F 710 ) .
20 ‘ as if I 've got such important things to do tomorrow morning , ’ Jo grumbled through her giggles in her own voice .
21 Practical help and emotional support of the bereaved are of course interwoven , but from the purely emotional standpoint it could be said that their greatest needs are for loving concern , good listening and patient understanding of their need to work through their grief in their own way at their own pace .
22 The ballet had some rough edges to its structure and the groupings , like the emotions , were sometimes a little too obviously contrived , but it marked a step forward for its choreographer in its attempt to achieve dramatic seriousness and depth .
23 Not surprisingly , though deplorably , British and also many American readers continued to ignore Eliot 's French affinities , following instead the hints that Eliot had dropped for their benefit in his criticism , implying his kinship with such solidly English writers as Donne and Webster .
24 Frank is — not — in the first national team at the moment ; Norway 's coach Egil ‘ Drillo ’ Olsen has no place for people who are not in the first-11 for their teams in his 16-man squad .
25 At weekends she 's out with her husband or preparing something for their friends in her new kitchen with its microwave , food processor and dishwasher to take the strain .
26 ‘ As a family we would like to express our most sincere thanks to Detective Chief Superintendent Cooper and all his staff for their diligence in their inquiries and especially for their sympathetic support and concern throughout this extremely difficult time .
27 They wanted military bases for their soldiers in her country and she did not want them .
28 Some years ago The Sunday Times invited parents ( representing a wide range of social backgrounds ) to list the things which they felt to be significant for their children in their years of primary schooling .
29 Resentment among the locals grows at their inability to find housing for their children in their village .
30 He was sitting underneath a high bit of cliff with my purple stripy barrel-bag beside him and a sheaf of my dreams in his hands .
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