Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is the property of the Widow and the Orphan who regard it as safe in your Hands , & in our case moreover it is the property of the Sovereign of the country who selects us for the deposit because he expects ( & expressly has declared that to be his motive ) to find in us , the nice Honour of Gentleman added to the common honesty & Integrity of Men of Business . ’
2 A sense of smell is the first and primary thing for the animal because it gives it its sense of direction and it 's very important and it goes gently cold , delicately as the dark snow .
3 Sally Gilbert-Smith and Ruth Gilbert from Cornwall — Sally , 28 , who works in Lloyds Bank in Newquay , entered herself and her mother for the competition because it seemed like the perfect opportunity for the experts to show them off to their full potential .
4 Rosa in the chapel with her head bent over her hands , her legs stiff from kneeling , thought , We will go away together , somewhere different from here , to Africa , he said , he wanted to go there , and I will take care of him , we are like each other , we are both … and she hunted for the word because she did not want to use the word ‘ misfit ’ , and found ‘ changeling ’ .
5 The right hon. Member for Finchley said yesterday that she would vote for the Government because they were following a path that she favoured — in precisely the opposite direction .
6 Matters are made even more hazardous for the male because he is nearly always smaller than the female .
7 A bitter debate in the Executive of the National Union on 8 February 1917 resulted in the setting up of a special sub-committee to consider the Bill ; a suggestion that MPs should be ineligible for the sub-committee because they had let down the party so badly in the Speaker 's Conference was only narrowly lost .
8 The impact of Big Bang on GKR was especially profitable for the firm because it was well prepared .
9 It is important for the writer because it lays out a line of attack along which the essay will proceed .
10 ‘ Méthode champenoise ’ wines are sparkling wines that have been made in exactly the same way as Champagne , but do not quality for the name because they 're not made in the Champagne region .
11 I paid for the taxi because he had no change .
12 I 'd be all for the change because there 's logic in it .
13 On no account look out your passport and make for the airport because they 'll catch you in customs and the judge will be cross and tell you you 're a cold-blooded , ruthless and calculating murderess and give you twenty years .
14 They were both enjoyable erm I ca n't really say which I enjoyed the most er , I thought they were both very good and of course good value for the money because they do n't charge very much for the fares well I do n't think they do .
15 But the community should care for the school because it is a social good and the property of the community .
16 This is still some disadvantage for the acquirer because it is more difficult to gain agreement to a change made subsequently than to a provision included in the first draft .
17 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
18 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
19 This particular airfield had been chosen for the test-flight because it was surrounded by open country , and there in front of me were fields from which I could choose .
20 ‘ But the biggest joke is that Pauline actually recommended me for the part because she liked me so much !
21 They wanted me for the part because it seemed they wanted someone younger .
22 ‘ It 's bad for the sport because I wanted to win the crown in the ring by fighting for the undisputed title , ’ said Lewis .
23 This form of markup provides the flexibility to select different display styles for the text because it does not anticipate the typography of the New OED .
24 Jane Camp is an enthusiast for the medium because it allows her to control wet-into-wet washes and paint out mistakes more easily than when working with watercolours
25 He maintains that the smaller , shorter , heavier muscled Dutch Texel is the ideal terminal sire for the Mule because they are so completely different in conformation .
26 He reasoned that the primary visual cortex was the most likely place for the engram because it is the site for most higher visual functioning .
27 Well it 's not a yes yes for the garden because I would n't have room for it but it 's certainly a yes yes in my shelter delt because the birds love the berries and it really encourages them to use that shelter delt but it is n't as , as easy to grow , it 's , one tends to think of the nature plant as a tough plant but I 've been trying to establish about thirty of these in the shelter delt and I 've found they object to any form of total weedkiller round the root , so all the , the weedkillers that you would use for the first couple of years maybe to , to keep the , the weeds from growing round the stems , they tend to get chlorotic and die .
28 When I sold CBS the video I kept apologising for the movement because it was so shaky .
29 This type of teaching has obvious benefits for the learner because her special needs can be met .
30 Kingston , whose coach Kevin Cadle watched Friday night 's semi-final , did not qualify for the tournament because they did not compete in the League last season although their form over the past three weeks suggests they will be front runners over the next seven months .
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