Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Speaking at an international conference in London on the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste on Oct. 4 , 1989 , the European Communities ( EC ) Environment Commissioner , Carlo Ripa Di Meana , said that proposals to make producers of toxic waste liable for the damage and injury they might cause were being drawn up by the EC Commission .
2 In a statement afterwards , the BBC said it had ‘ apologised to Mr Wright and his family and expressed their regret for the damage and distress caused ’ .
3 The treaty provides for the possibility that member states will wish to adopt a single currency later this decade , but they can do so only if they meet strict convergence conditions — conditions for which the British Government have pressed from the outset .
4 This is a propagation bench for the winter and spring — different cuttings and seedlings are tried each year .
5 Now the summer bedding plants in tubs and window boxes are fading or frosted , chuck them out and replace them with flowers for the winter and spring .
6 Thus the Paracelsians , who boasted that their account of creation as a process of chemical separation was the only legitimate interpretation of Genesis , incurred Bacon 's displeasure not only for their hijacking of the Bible , but also for the implication that knowledge of nature was in need of biblical support .
7 Some Ministers felt that this was wholly a matter for the conscience or judgment of the individual , and that Ministers who held strong views on the moral issue should not be asked to subordinate those views to a collective decision of the Cabinet .
8 Accountability for priorities-accountability for the relevance or appropriateness of the agency 's work .
9 They have raised some issues which we are discussing with Government , particularly on the various options for the timing and route of any privatisation . ’
10 Now , by early spring 1837 , Darwin had decided that such purely adaptational explanations could not account adequately for the timing and placing of either the extinctions of old species or the origins of new ones .
11 The complexity of the French doctorate degree system has previously been mentioned ( Tuiller ) , and their system for the deposit and use of theses is similarly complex .
12 Acupuncture is used for the healing and relief of pain such as arthritis , muscle and ligament strains , and some forms of paralysis .
13 The ‘ debtee ’ is an old word for the creditor or payee .
14 The Geneva talks were described by Pérez de Cuéllar as of " psychological " importance in preparing the ground for future peace talks within the framework of Resolution R98 and the Iraqi News Agency ( INA ) reported on July 6 that Saddam had received a letter of thanks from Rafsanjani for the assistance and sympathy shown by the Iraqi government and people to the Iranian earthquake victims [ see p. 37522 ] .
15 Candidates for a seat in the Senate , let alone for the presidency or vice-presidency , have to be both wealthy individuals in their own right and able to tap substantial sources of campaign finance from companies or the social elite .
16 Detailed clauses ensured that ( i ) the President once elected could not be a member of a political party ; ( ii ) the military were denied seats in the Senate ; ( iii ) members of the Securitate and militia bodies guilty of repression and public officials guilty of abuses were not eligible for election ; ( iv ) candidates for election to the Assembly of Deputies had to be over 21 years of age and for the presidency and Senate over 30 , with no upper age limit ; ( v ) prisoners and the mentally handicapped were not eligible for election or to vote ; ( vi ) independent candidates were eligible to stand for the Senate and Assembly if supported by at least 250 electors and for the presidency if supported by 100,000 electors ; ( vii ) the votes of Romanian citizens abroad via diplomatic missions , consulates or trade agencies would be treated as votes cast in the city of Bucharest ; ( viii ) the financing of political parties from abroad was forbidden ; ( ix ) strict procedures would be applied to check and validate nominations ; ( x ) hours of polling would be from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m .
17 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
18 Under the terms of Belau 's new electoral system the number of candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency had been narrowed to two through the holding of a first round elections on Sept. 22 , when incumbent President Ngiratkel Etpison was eliminated after finishing third with 24.8 per cent , behind Nakamura with 37.2 per cent and Toribiong with 37.9 per cent .
19 Sometimes the seated guests are just the closest family and friends , while other friends , children , neighbours and colleagues from work are invited for the dancing and party later in the day .
20 For in common with all extensional definitions , it provides no criteria for the inclusion or exclusion of further phenomena that may come to our attention ; at best one can say that what warrants pragmatic treatment for some new topic is simply linguists ' consensus based on intuitive " family resemblance " to more familiar pragmatic topics .
21 Each project requires specific conditions but the general thrust will be to secure guaranteed or priority access for target participants/bodies , at charges which are not disadvantageous compared to the normal level of charging for the facility or type of facility .
22 It is all right for the hero and heroine to go to bed together , although if they actually make love before they are married , a wedding should follow immediately .
23 The total of these requirements — some of which will be spread over several years — will give a good indication as to how much you have left to offer for the freehold or rent .
24 These explanations and justifications for the loneliness and isolation of older people are socially attractive and emotionally convenient for those who feel some guilt about their situation .
25 Our Emergency Tool Kit is ideal for the motorist and d-i-y person alike .
26 ‘ Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute … any legal proceedings …
27 It can not be said , merely by looking at the allegations in the statement of claim , which is all that is permissible under the terms of the preliminary point of law , that the council could not have considered the action expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of Derbyshire .
28 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute or defend or appear in any legal proceedings and , in the case of civil proceedings , may institute them in their own name …
29 ‘ Sport 2000 : A Strategic Approach to the Development of Sport in Scotland ’ noted that the current delivery system for the promotion and development of sport is fragmented .
30 The production of materials has to be timetabled with care both because of the work load of the print and design team and also for the promotion and marketing of them .
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