Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 She wished she had brought a bottle of gin with her , even a bottle of wine , but now the only place she could find one was a state liquor store , and while the clerk would know of one , sitting with a bottle waiting for the phone to ring was n't her own image of herself .
2 Assisting the Wallabies ' push for the tour to continue was the meeting ANC president Nelson Mandela held with French , Fordham , Farr-Jones , Breen and Marty Roebuck hours before the Ellis Park test .
3 The vital section for the south to defend was the left flank , which protected the routes to Seoul and Inchon .
4 The twin foundations for the standard advocated were that statutory terms do not necessarily possess only one inevitably correct meaning and that , in choosing between a range of possible reasonable interpretations , the precise meaning attached by the tribunal may be preferable to that of the court .
5 The sad fact is that although the ostensible reason for the dolphin kills was that dolphins were stealing and eating the commercial fish species , examination of their stomach contents showed that only the false killer whales were actually feeding on yellowtail .
6 The action failed as the damage claimed was too remote and on policy grounds it would not be right to allow an indemnity for the consequence of a criminal act .
7 A secondary aim which came to the fore as the project developed was to define the categories of the annotation scheme sufficiently rigorously that they can be applied in a predictable fashion to other language samples — that is , the SUSANNE annotation scheme is intended to offer a ‘ Linnaean Taxonomy for the English Language ’ .
8 The entire replica fleet aboard the carrier flown was from the deck into the rising sun of the east in some of the most visually stunning scenes of the film .
9 Soon after the delivery bleeding was noticed and doctors performed a hysterectomy .
10 The amount of the layer destroyed was 4.3 times larger in 1991 than in 1981 , and the total area affected was 13 times larger and twice as deep .
11 Much of the evidence used was contradictory .
12 They may have been killed by the giants ; they may have starved to death ; all the men of the Armada remembered were the pitiful wails of the pair echoing over the still waters as the ships sailed back into the open sea , and south .
13 Examples of the range covered was weed identification in grassland , and feeding and management of the in-lamb ewe .
14 The value of the damage caused was £1,200 .
15 The value of the damage caused was £1,200 .
16 In this case much of the work shown was subsequently ( and through this emphasis ) identified as an autonomous stylistic movement in art , and of course this was often likely to be the case .
17 The majority of the work shown was very recent , but several of the pieces date back as much as 10 years revealing her fascination with the themes from classical mythology over a long period .
18 Most of the stuff missing was from Mr Marr 's extensive collection of material dealing with invasions from other galaxies .
19 Much of the cider produced was for local consumption , with farmers bringing in their cartloads of apples for processing .
20 In 1983 , nearly 80% of the gas consumed was indigenous , the major import being USSR gas together with smaller amounts from Algeria and Libya .
21 ‘ Much of the poetry studied was contemporary or near-contemporary , although many classes had encountered at least one poem by a first world war poet . ’
22 In one extraordinary case in July 1988 , the reason the officer gave for doubting the name and address of the person arrested was that ‘ suspects usually gave false names and addresses ’ .
23 The debtor 's affidavit evidence is in sharp conflict : he was given no advice on whether he might be eligible for legal aid , Mr. O'Connell was aware of his dire financial circumstances , the costs implications of the course recommended were not discussed , and he did not receive the letter .
24 The headmistress and the governors of the school named were justly irate , for , they stated with concerted vehemence , no child had witnessed the recovery of the body of a murder victim from the canal : those children who had not been making stegosauruses out of old egg boxes had been learning an Ashanti war dance , and not one had been in the playground , which was the only vantage point from which body recovery would be observable .
25 Much of the money owed was Brian 's personal debt that his widow is not liable for .
26 Most of the money collected was given to the war effort and a bag of gobstoppers and aniseed balls was bought with the rest .
27 The osmolality of the diet used was high ( 400 mmol/kg ) because , as well as peptides , it contained medium chain triglycerides ( 60% of the fat content ) .
28 Sitting up in bed , I scanned the article , which the News of the World claimed was an exclusive interview .
29 The centre-piece was a perspiring bloke who was plainly at the end of his tether and at the other end of the tatty tether was a huge hairy bundle who 'd decided he was now one of the family and acting in a suitably demented manner ; noise effects included whoops , cheers , shrieks , curses , admonitions and deep explosive barks which provided punctuation in the manner of the cannon fire in the 1812 Overture .
30 At Elvaston , where the three drivers concerned were employed , the whole of the transport Meet was to go .
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