Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] when we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll need it for the bike when we arrive .
2 A few weeks later he scored the first of three hat-tricks he hit for the Palace when we toppled his former club , Watford , by 4–1 at Vicarage Road .
3 And the thing is we were buying forty forty eights we that we were u reusable for the plant when we need 'em .
4 I had the privilege of being the first Secretary of State for the Environment when we combined the Ministry of Public Works , the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Ministry of Transport .
5 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
6 ‘ For Christ 's sake , keep your trap shut about the Falklands when we get there , ’ said Ricky .
7 Mr Bryant had suggested to me that it would be no bad thing to have your youngself aboard the Russell when we sail Sunday next , and I 've agreed .
8 ‘ Sparks flew through the air when we first met , ’ Jenna pointed out .
9 My husband and the boys cleared a path through the undergrowth when we first came here , and they called it the Burma Road . ’
10 ‘ On our first date we were driving through the countryside when we spotted some sheep out in a field .
11 One day , soon after our night outside the castle , Princess Flavia and I were riding through the town when we saw a group of people dressed in black going to the church .
12 We were invited to Stuart Johnston 's retirement party in the English Department ( Stuart met us off the ship when we first arrived in NZ , in 1969 ) ; but Val did n't make the party as she tripped in a gutter and pulled her ankle ( she got free treatment for it from the doctor , thanks to NZ 's Accident Compensation scheme ! ) .
13 They used to be part and parcel of the water authorities and looked after the rivers when we were one big body , as a water authority .
14 ‘ Charles Wood and I were not aware of the problems when we wrote the scene , ’ he recalled .
15 The final ( Moderated ) mark is needed by the Secretary of the N.E.B.E. when we apply for the final Written Examinations of the Board .
16 Yes , can we join the crew of the lifeboat when we grow up
17 Conflict and rebellion can perform a creative part in the formation of the writer when we learn how to use them .
18 These figures can only be the tip of the iceberg when we see the low rates of eligibility for maternity benefits and full time participation in the paid labour market for mothers with young children ( S. McRae , Maternity Rights in Britain , 1991 PSI ) .
19 ‘ You looked out of the window when we were on the Concorde .
20 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
21 In the light of that , I am not clear where the Labour party will stand on this aspect of the Bill when we debate its Second Reading next Tuesday .
22 Edwy was out on the branch almost within reach of the eggs when we were caught redhanded by the farmer on horseback …
23 PC Geoffrey Archer , 36 , a recipient of the award , explained : ‘ There was smoke billowing out of the windows when we arrived .
24 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
25 The claim is disputed … but it 's still a good excuse for a ballooning festival.So the lawns of the Chase Hotel were busy this evening as the fist arrivals for the weekend event prepared for their ascent.We took up the offer of a flight with Ian Ashpole , who told us he planned to jump out of the balloon when we reached full height :
26 Erm , I 'm slightly more concerned though about security in this building and in some of our other main buildings and it brought it home very starkly to me and I 'm sure to all members of the board when we arrived at our meeting a few weeks ago and spent er over two hours standing , we did n't stay out , more or less standing out in the street and .
27 This fee , which includes the fee to be paid to the foreign bank , is added to the value of the transaction when we convert it into sterling .
28 I was able to take controls of the aircraft when we were up in the sky .
29 They were in the middle of the dinner when we got there .
30 The voluntary muscles are nearly always attached to the bones of the skeleton and their function is to move parts of the body when we so wish .
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