Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 I turned and started to head for the dunes at a slow run .
2 The US resolution was not supported by the PLO which had pressed for the dispatch of a mission reporting directly to the Security Council ( i.e. not to the UN Secretary-General ) .
3 At the time of the signing plans were already well under way for the dispatch of a UN Advance Mission to Cambodia ( UNAMIC ) .
4 For we can easily imagine a legislative structure that would produce compromise statutes mechanically , as a function of the different opinions about strict liability or racial discrimination or abortion among the various legislators , without any legislator being asked or required to vote for the compromise as a package .
5 All for the privilege of a little pussybumping !
6 That is despite the fact that I am paying hundreds of pounds a year for the privilege of a so-called collection service .
7 ‘ No-one would go to the trouble to devise such an imposture , and kill at least once , probably twice , to maintain it , just for the possibility of a few snippets of military information .
8 First , any new source of revenue should be capable of producing a yield large enough to provide for the possibility of a substantial reduction in both grant and domestic rates .
9 It has a theoretical structure which allows for the possibility of a variety of ‘ racisms ’ , depending upon how various elements of ‘ race ’ , ethnicity and nationality are combined , how they are articulated with gender and class , and how they are related to theories in the natural and social sciences and notions in popular culture and common sense .
10 It may be necessary to provide for the possibility of a sale or flotation .
11 This is the common law position and s16(3) provides for the possibility of a court implying stricter terms so that the reasonable care provision may be regarded as the minimum legal requirement .
12 ‘ Elizabeth ’ I got out and , suddenly emboldened , ‘ Like our great queen ’ I added , hoping I had guessed the correct period , thought it did for the present as a well .
13 The term formative is fairly obvious for the beginning of a development process so , also , the term expansion for the next stage .
14 The Tour has rested at Bordeaux many times , but this is the first time that the caravan has used Nogent-sur-Oise for the beginning of a day 's racing .
15 The central question regarding the proposed expansion of the Community thus remains that of whether it will provide the impetus for closer integration or for the beginning of a Europe ‘ à la carte ’ .
16 When he told them that the Government could have used more oil at the power stations this summer and so built up coal stocks for the winter against a possible strike , but had n't , they merely retorted , ‘ More fool you ’ and thanked him for letting them know how strong their position was .
17 So , what is the best treatment for the patient with a solitary cerebral metastasis — biopsy and radiotherapy , or surgical excision and radiotherapy ?
18 Good nursing hinges on the ability to assess , plan , provide and evaluate care for the patient in a given set of circumstances .
19 Their chaotic flight on 22 December revealed their complete lack of serious contingency plans for the eventuality of a coup , let alone a popular revolution .
20 Mr. Beloff submitted that there is no basis for the implication of a term to create an exception to the prohibition contained in the injunction to the effect of ‘ otherwise than pursuant to a section 39 notice . ’
21 MR Graeme Stewart , who is a member of Sloan Street Presbyterian Church , Lisburn , is to be licensed for the ministry at a service there on June 6 .
22 Having just finished a talk to a class of candidates for the ministry in a major denomination I was ‘ verbally assaulted ’ by the principal of the theological college concerned who picked up on a brief reference I made to Creation and Evolution and proceeded to state in the strongest possible terms that many true Christians believe in the theory of evolution and reject the biblical account of a literal six day creation as recorded in Genesis .
23 It is common ground that it is for the governors of a voluntary aided school to decide who is to be admitted as a pupil and to lay down the admissions policy of the school .
24 Nicandra , who had never cooked , became expert and devoted ; for the timing of a souffle even love could be denied , the perfect souffle her present for him .
25 Rather like the English WILL O'THE WISP , this light bobs at eye level and invariably presages death or mishap to any traveller who follows it , mistaking it for the lights of a welcoming farmhouse .
26 It is a criminal offence for the directors of a bank to withhold information to which the Bank is entitled as supervisor .
27 However , the reformulation appeals to theoretical notions which the authors discuss in the first chapter of the book , and it is unlikely that what was said about mutual cognitive environments in the first chapter is accessible for use for the interpretation of a passage about style in the final chapter .
28 It was submitted the Bank of England would not be prejudiced by having to make an application for the variation of a court order in the same manner as any other third party seeking a variation which affects its rights of interests .
29 The next step is to prepare for the audition at a drama school and find the right kind of textual material which will allow you to show the best of yourself .
30 The choice of Ramos also ran counter to the wishes of Cardinal Jaime Sin , the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila and a loyal supporter of Aquino , who was known to have advised against choosing a Protestant for the presidency of a predominantly Catholic country .
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