Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] this [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The right to buy policy and the alternative landlord scheme are presented as extensions of tenants ' choice , and for some this is undoubtedly the case .
2 After all this is just what the theologians have been saying all along : We have had an innate knowledge of the difference between good and evil ever since Eve ate that apple in the Garden of Eden .
3 But what I am saying in context , no this has a deal to do with the co boundaries , as you know erm the honourable member well knows , the essence of this this is wholly inappropriate in terms of erm trying to latest citizenship through an arrangement of six additional boundaries into a erm union and a political state and I think that that is the profound objection that this side of the house has expressed over a long period of time now , is a reflection of the public mood in the country in respect of this election and the way the boundaries er are are erm apportioned and all I say in conclusion is that this is an evidence further of the irrelevance of this house in reflecting and attesting to public opinion outside .
4 The point of all this is not that the entire women 's liberation movement should support the Wages for Housework demand ( as at present formulated ) — a pretty remote possibility — but that it should recognise — as WfH does — the importance of feminism 's attitude to housewives .
5 Collectively , the population of Britain perform millions of acts every day during their waking hours , yet the net result of all this is not chaos and confusion , but a reasonable approximation of order : motorists drive on the left-hand side of the road , not on the right ; shoppers offer coins and banknotes , cheques and cheque cards in exchange for goods and services , not goats and chickens or nothing at all ; love-making takes place indoors in bedrooms , and not outside on the pavement .
6 The implication of all this is not only that weak businesses do worse in absolute terms , but that they do not even realize their own potential .
7 Surely the test of all this is not necessarily how big the Government grant for acquisitions is but what the galleries are able to acquire .
8 The impact of all this is well summarised in the DES booklet The National Curriculum , from Policy to Practice .
9 The general point of all this is very simple : knowledge in the context of discovery and knowledge in the context of transmission are entirely different enterprises .
10 A proper understanding of all this is long overdue , for the blend of dream and necessity for a place in Palestine will not disappear .
11 The madness of all this is constantly illustrated by a jumbled host of fragmentary images that surround us , of body hair and smells and leakings , of panty liners , bikini lines and cellulite .
12 Although in spreadsheets like 1-2-3 and SuperCalc you can type in an entry like Sep-11 this is just a text entry and so can not be used in arithmetic — which is the whole point of a spreadsheet like this .
13 Well he 's happy enough behind all this is n't he ?
14 Our sport is for all this is not a slick statement of jargon but a fact , thanks to our boats sailors of all ages and all eligibilities can participate .
15 There is a persistent rumour that Mr Soros 's real interest in all this is not gold at all , but the bond markets .
16 The role of Australia in all this is particularly important , as was its role in the successful campaign eventually to get a moratorium .
17 Labour 's role in all this is somewhat disreputable .
18 The economist 's role in all this is essentially to make the policy-maker aware of these trade-offs and to advise him of the suitability of alternative policy tools for the achievement of objectives .
19 All in all this is now my first choice in the lower-price range .
20 The proper conclusion from all this is not that scepticism , indeed solipsism , is inevitable , but that the terms in which the sceptical argument was presented , assumption ( a ) , must be rejected .
21 In 1976–7 this is precisely what happened .
22 In general this is certainly true , as the experienced eye can tell at a glance whether the style of an ancient Greek coin is that of the archaic or of the later , classical period ; in a similar way one can argue from the change in the type of helmet worn by the goddess Athena on Athenian vases in the period 540–510 BC that Athenian coins depicting the same goddess with the same helmet are unlikely to have been made before that time .
23 Rowntree 's general comment on all this is much to the point : " The hidden curriculum marches on .
24 To many this is not argument ; our system needs drastic revision .
25 Though at first this is quite hard to do , it does come with constant practice .
26 Note : It is important to emphasize that at best this is only a best estimate .
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