Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] he [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 After all he had been through he had missed the longest standing running record of them all by just one mile !
2 She clung to him , and his mouth found hers , and she tasted as fresh and as new as the morning , and desire had exploded within him , and he thought that after all he had been wrong : once would never be sufficient , he wanted her for always , he wanted to be with her , to share everything with her .
3 He claimed that after 1987 he had been blackmailed by Papandreou into channelling interest on deposits from public corporations into Pasok election funds .
4 If it were , the only ruler who was absolutely sovereign and monarch of all he surveyed was Robinson Crusoe .
5 It was an ignoble , unworthy thought , he knew , but he was — now , anyway — only human , and therefore prey to human weaknesses , whatever sort of superhuman he 'd been during the War .
6 He also told us how he had nourished the fire of hate inside him , ever since as a child of seven he had been spat upon by a white man .
7 At the age of seven he had been put on a ship to Britain , kissed by his mother and sisters , shaken hands with by his Pop , and banished from their sight for the next eleven years , save two brief holidays .
8 Athelstan looked at her and prayed to God to forgive him for all he felt was disgust .
9 Erm in short Adam had been given erm lordship over the earth and all its creatures and with that he 'd been given lordship over all human beings and the kings of this earth have inherited that lordship , that dominion .
10 Up to and including 1920 he had been consistently on the left of the Bolshevik Party , and this particular book was his last major offering from that stance before his subsequent evolution to the ‘ right ’ of the party .
11 In 1934 he had been detailed to keep the British Union of Fascists under surveillance .
12 From nothing : in 1850 he 'd been just one of the hands at Wm Paul 's Tannery in Kirkstall Road .
13 Somewhat before this he had been introduced , probably by Anne Boleyn , to some rather more revolutionary reading matter : The Obedience of a Christian Man , written by the suspected heretic William Tyndale .
14 Salieri had never got on with Leopold II , and in 1790 he had been released from most of his court obligations , remaining as a kind of honorary kapellmeister .
15 It was known to Charles too , for in 832 he had been installed as king there , briefly , at Limoges .
16 Spencer 's conduct at the new Debtors ' Prison in Whitecross Street , where in 1828 he had been keeper for six years , was the subject of a Memorial from James Neild 's Thatched House Society to the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London .
17 Thus , in 1969 he had been the main Cabinet instrument of dissent in rejecting Wilson and Mrs Castle 's proposed statutory incomes policy .
18 In 1969 he had been made assistant secretary to the Diocesan Schools Commission , becoming principal secretary three years later , he also became a member of the Finance Commission , and then in 1972 Bishop Wheeler appointed him his personal private secretary at Bishop 's House .
19 Until 1984 he had been a regular exhibitor for forty years , and in 1952 he gained a show record for the heaviest white with a transparent weighing 30 drams 8 grains , a record that still stands .
20 In 1940 he had been quite prepared , if need be , to serve in a dangerous capacity in the ranks because he felt he could be more useful in such a rôle at that critical moment in the country 's affairs , rather than go through the extra time and training there and then for a commission .
21 By the time he left Liverpool in 1873 he had been appointed consulting and superintending engineer to a number of shipping companies , including the Flower Line , the Castle Line , and the Eastern Telegraph Company .
22 In 1964 he had been prepared to back his hunches .
23 On the second visit Mr. Burgess was given instructions different from those he had been given on the first visit .
24 Formerly esquire of the body to Henry the Sixth , Vaughan had become treasurer of the chamber to Edward the Fourth , by whom he was so highly regarded that in 1471 he had been appointed chamberlain to the then one-year-old Prince Edward .
25 The Magistrate hesitated , stroking those terrible , radical , flaring whiskers of his … since he had shouted himself hoarse as a young man in 1832 he had been devoted to the radical cause , a supporter of Chartism , of factory reform , and of every other progressive notion which crossed his path .
26 In 1855 he had been brought in as a partner to Beyer & Peacock 's Gorton factory in Manchester , recently built for the manufacture of railway locomotives , and he maintained an active role in the management of Beyer , Peacock & Co. until his death .
27 In 1936 he had been a member of the Archbishop 's committee preparing for a conference to be held at Oxford on Church , Community and State .
28 Best of all , from 1937 until 1939 he had been ‘ Leader , British National Socialist Party , London , England ’ .
29 From 1933 until 1937 he had been Director of Propaganda and Deputy Leader of the British Union of Fascists .
30 These were papers , filling two volumes , left unpublished at Hunter 's death , which Owen dedicated to the Royal College of Surgeons , where from 1837 he had been Hunterian Professor .
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