Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [vb mod] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 And to substitute one state controlled , interventionist society for another would do nothing to help solve the problem .
2 A handful of gold for some could mean plenty of dust for us all .
3 To write a biography of another can involve one in autobiography .
4 And all the estate men first of all would get everything .
5 Tables listing 60 endowment companies published in the periodical Planned Savings show that the top performers for endowment policies paying out at the end of 1990 could do anything up to twice as well as companies at the bottom of the table .
6 An emergency at a time like this could spoil everything .
7 No have you got any any sort of pad like this will do anything to write in .
8 However , formulae such as " adjectives precede their nouns " do not take us beyond a very shallow level of linguistic description ; nor is it an improvement to find phrases such as " an attributive adjective " unless the description proceeds in some way to give an account of how a term like attributive may mean something more than a simple statement about formal grouping .
9 Two exquisite thoroughbreds , she supposed they had looked , chatting to one another in their high-pitched , well-bred " London " voices , filling each shop in turn with their faintly tittering laughter , making Frizingley aware — whatever it chose to whisper behind their backs — that the dynastic alliance of one trading " and therefore " common " fortune with another could mean nothing at all to them .
10 Even so , that he was able to expel the powerful figure to whom he may have owed much of his victory in 1016 must say something about the effectiveness of the power base which he had succeeded in creating in England in the intervening years .
11 Despite Berkeley 's comment that ‘ a little attention ’ to this will enable anyone to see how successfully it makes his point , this argument has provoked a considerable amount of detailed discussion .
12 Four divisions of ten may not be the ideal solution for the future of Scottish football — it does n't , for example , address the problem of clubs meeting four times a season — but at least a reduction in the number of games from 44 to 36 will give everyone breathing space .
13 I mean those horses offered at fifty to one could have been offered at a hundred to one and still the bookies would have finished up ahead , but of course those people those few people who 'd at fifty to one would have one twice as much .
14 Gedanken studied it intently , but at first could see nothing .
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