Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Utilising existing artwork — such as that given in a project — simply involves tracing the copper track layout onto a film , using the methods described last month .
2 Increasingly , however , the phase of such near total dependence is protracted by severe physical or mental infirmity , such as that caused by a stroke or dementia .
3 Since the heat capacities of sample and reference are different ΔT is never actually zero , and a change in heat capacity , such as that associated with a glass transition , will cause a shift in the base line .
4 On neurophysiological grounds one would expect there to be considerable differences between different individuals with regard to the most effective channels of learning ; therefore , one must regard statements such as that quoted with a certain amount of scepticism .
5 The desire to outshine others provoked extravagance , such as that shown by a Marquise who wrote to a friend : ‘ I have been invited to Compiègne for a week so I have sold a mill ! ’
6 On the other hand , a variable , service-orientated transaction ( such as that provided by an international hotel concierge ) would best respond to recruitment of the right person in the first place .
7 Yet the Commonwealth was after all invented at a time when the British were more than ever enamoured of their capacity for effecting the bloodless obedience of subject peoples .
8 When he gave me a copy of his complete works in September of 1943 inscribed from a ‘ sincere friend ’ , I noted the four lines opposite the title page :
9 A GIRL of eight paralysed as a baby in a car crash won a possible £7 million damages in the High Court yesterday .
10 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
11 The import liberalization measures of 1989/90 combined with an upswing in domestic demand to produce a strong growth of imports in 1990 .
12 You feel the weight of that compared to a gateau box .
13 As the external surface of the field collided with the elements of space , an explosive force was generated which was the equivalent of that produced by an ion bomb .
14 The relevant question is therefore : is there any indication in the subject matter and statutory purpose of the provisions concerning administrative receivers generally , or in the Act of 1986 considered as a whole , from which it appears that Parliament intended that the word ‘ company ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) of that Act should not be confined to its prima facie meaning of a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts , but should also embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ?
15 The official definition of the Unemployment Percentage Rate in the UK can be stated as ‘ the number of unemployed expressed as a percentage of the latest available mid-year estimate of all employees in employment plus the unemployed at the same date ’ .
16 In the suckler ring an entry of 49 sold to a top of £1,460 and £1,300 for two pedigree Charolais cows with bull calves at foot .
17 There 's a £30 reduction for children under the age of 12 occupying a bed in a twin room on a Villa-Flotilla holiday , or for children under the age of 12 booked on a Flotilla holiday .
18 After a bar of eighth notes comes a pair of sixteenths followed by a quarter 's rest , then a long , low root — just right !
19 In e-mail systems it is possible to receive a number of related messages from different people on screen , to then go into a statistical package and do some calculations , and on the basis of this come to a decision which one communicates to a different set of people .
20 In their last financial years , only 39 FT-SE 100 companies ' audit fees increased above the rate of inflation ; 25 companies ' audit fees were cut from 1990 to 1991 ; 30 companies paid the same amount ; and the fees of six increased at a level below the rate of inflation .
21 He was one of six chosen from a brigade of 40 to accompany Quinn when he then left to work at Ettington Park , Staffordshire .
22 A major dimension of the Time of Troubles was the outbreak of peasant resistance in every region of the country , and the revolt of 1606–07 led by an ex-slave named Ivan Bolotnikov attracted widespread peasant support .
23 During work on the building of the electricity pylons on Halling Marshes workmen digging out the footings for one of these discovered at a depth of 10 ft in the mud a dug-out canoe .
24 One of these presented with a perforated small bowel lymphoma and died shortly after diagnosis .
25 Several kinds of difference figure in contemporary cultural theory but two especially : sexual difference ( deriving usually though not invariably from psychoanalysis ) and cultural difference , with each of these complicated by a third kind of difference which construes meaning and identity in terms of difference or , more exactly , differential relations .
26 The baroque is first of all laden with a set of Counter-Reformation characteristics including a salience of symbolism , monumentality , voluptuousness , and grandeur .
27 Like Nicholle , Nicholle 's over a couple of thousand saved for a car .
28 It is an interesting thought that the numerical approach could be strengthened and made more acceptable if the number of units of good credited to a ‘ good ’ decision and then added to the Godhead , could be a factor of the numerical majority of individuals in sympathy with that decision .
29 30 per cent of those invited to an advisory interview after 12 months to start on a Jobplan workshop
30 No one can represent fully the lives of those met during a case study ; nor can full justice be done to the complexity and the range of issues , interpretations and concerns experienced by each individual .
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