Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] that you " in BNC.

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1 The public consultations on options for the Ipswich northern bypass is being lined up at the moment at office level for mid nineteen ninety three , there 's still quite a bit of work associated with the preparation for that preliminaries that you see , but a more measurable benefit I think Chairman is er that the , that before there is a recommendation that the threat of widening
2 In the menu section , you will find a series of suggestions for packed lunches , and also for acceptable meals that you should be able to buy from snack bars or small supermarkets in the vicinity of your workplace .
3 There seem to be so many additives available for marine tanks that you would need a store room in which to keep them all .
4 But having an overview means giving yourself time for outside interests that you can talk about and that provide recreation for your brain from work .
5 But they have changed in the last few years and there are some quite significant elements about personal allowances that you ought to know about , one of which is independent taxation , and this talk is actually personal allowances and independent taxation .
6 Erm with some of these it may even be possible to y'know there 's a number of different adjectives that you could try with with some of these things like erm y'know how would you feel about knowing that you 're attractive to your own sex ?
7 You will then increase the number of different specimens that you can press .
8 You need to learn some basic facts about nutrition and the balance of different nutrients that you need at meals .
9 Think of some things that you have learnt in your life — for example , how to operate a new washing machine .
10 erm you 're doing a perhaps you 're doing a histogram of some jobs that you 've been doing ,
11 It is important to remember that it is not the spelling of individual words that you are trying to teach , but the basic spelling patterns , so that pupils can spell correctly words they have n't been taught but want to write .
12 Anyway do you think any of these companies that you 've
13 any of these things that you use on your hair ,
14 Sandy , this is the first of these courses that you 've run , and I deliberately said first of these courses — do you have any plans for running future courses ?
15 You , yourself , can select any one of these tracks that you wish to fly .
16 You see , you know I was talking to you earlier about , about punchlines basically , but I ca n't remember the words I was using for it , times like by the way , right right , or did you know or did I mention to you do you follow me , a lot of key lines that you can think on that you use
17 right , now if you can increase your number of closes that you know them and you 're capable of using , and if you can increase your number of key lines that you , do you follow me
18 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
19 And there are one or two fairly sort of good points that you can , that you can actually bear in mind when you 're writing .
20 There is a wealth of beautiful fabrics that you can use as backgrounds to pressed bouquets , ranging from wonderful silks to antique pieces of lace .
21 ‘ One of those matches that you use on those filthy things you smoke . ’
22 So now the south east most of those depots that you 're looking at Cannock is n't in Cannock .
23 Get one of those ones that you strap on its back .
24 If you bear in mind that virtually every other product is , has been able to er , to be accommodated within GATT , it shows that the agricultural lobby is pretty damn powerful , alright , not only in this country , but throughout the world erm , to prevent that , you know , much more so than steel , coal , cars , computers , any of those industries that you might think oh , pretty powerful lobby groups , er , have n't got a patch on the farmers , but er right , okay , so those reasons may count for erm , for protectionism , er , sorry , for er , the relative de decline of er agricultural trade .
25 It was just one of those things that you can not explain .
26 It 's one of those things that you always take for granted till it 's obviously taken away from you .
27 So it 's just one of those things that you should know .
28 Area is not one of those things that you either have or you do n't .
29 we were talking about it at lunch time , you know , its one of those things that you just do n't think about , you know ,
30 It 's one of those things that you could do with really .
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