Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] i [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was very angry at Phillip Island for about 20 minutes but after that I calmed down .
2 After that I went down to the kitchen and made a cheese sandwich for lunch and wished I 'd gone with Tremayne if only for the ride .
3 After that I went down on her and once she 'd come she did the same to me .
4 One after another I picked up other stones and began to marvel at the diversity and beauty of them , that I had never noticed before .
5 I made a full statement and the contents of that I rely on for my defence . ’
6 While in command of Venturous I missed out on a lot of the big drug operations through being in the north of Scotland , but I always enjoyed working as part of a team with the other cutters or any of the shore units .
7 On the last day of 1969 I sat down at my office desk , in the Bath Road , Bristol television studio , and pensively typed a memo .
8 Right so first of all I work out what 's inside these brackets yeah ?
9 I like boxing and when I was suspended in the summer of 1990 I took up boxing and accepted , perhaps too quickly , a fight against the then French light-heavyweight champion .
10 when I come home for lunch er , and things like that I clock up about two hundred and twenty , to two thirty , two fifty maybe a week just
11 The lady was holding it like that I run up , I go ooh bang and it goes .
12 Said fair enough he said and with that I come out the garage .
13 With that I turned back to my papers .
14 Then in 1986 I moved down to London , played keyboards with a cabaret group and worked on my second book . ’
15 In 1980 I set out to change the face of political presentation in the UK and to use some of these new concepts and techniques in business and industry as well .
16 Editor , — In 1980 I took out a BMA-BUPA policy for myself , my wife , and my daughter .
17 In 1980 I moved back to LA from Mammoth Mountain ski resort and started my business , Stussy Surfboards .
18 ‘ Do you know , before this I went out and bought Tesco 's own-brand baked beans to live on for the next month , ’ she remarked , rather unconvincingly .
19 In 1972 I went off to university were I could find no handle on art history until I read Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists ? and discovered that research could replace airy-fairy ‘ lack of genius ’ answers with concrete ‘ lack of education ’ answers .
20 Way back in 1957 I had talked my boss into allowing me to learn to fly helicopters with the British European Airways Helicopter Unit at Gatwick and in 1960 I sat in on the first ground school course BOAC conducted for their senior captains converting to the first Boeing 707s .
21 In 1974 I went back to Nigeria with my parents .
22 She told a Dublin newspaper : ‘ I wish to express my apologies to those I let down . ’
23 At quarter to nine I came down and was up to my knees in water
24 and then other , like this morning I woke up about quarter to seven , well I 'd been awake a while but I thought I 'd came to at quarter to seven I went down and make some tea and having breakfast
25 So at twenty to seven I come out of the Earls Court hotel into the street and look around for him .
26 I stood engrossed by this until I heard the rocking chair creak behind me , and at that I scampered up after them .
27 I dress in haste and at ten I sit down to compose until about twelve or half past twelve .
28 At first I get on best with the Highland laddies , matching them dram for dram and can for can , taking their cigarettes and suffering their remarks on the lines of ‘ No I still smoke ’ when I offer them my Silk Cuts but gradually as we get drunker I start to feel uncomfortable with their attitude to the travellers and even more so to women , and Howie , the guy I met last night , talks about how he used to slap the wife around and now the bitch is in one of these fucking women 's refuges and if he ever finds her he 'll fucking kick seven kinds of shit out of her .
29 At last I lay down on my bed , and fell asleep .
30 At last I fell back on to my stool and into the blackness of a drunken stupor .
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