Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] who [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 For some who made the journey into Wales , the experience was profound : on a warm summer night in 1791 William Wordsworth had climbed to the top of Snowdon to watch the sun rise , and had found there an intensity of natural beauty which he never forgot .
2 It was an alternative to secure employment for some who fit the popular image of the early retired , but for others it was a refuge from economic insecurity in the labour market .
3 But it was the stranger after all who began the conversation .
4 ‘ You were the one after all who wanted the truth .
5 He summoned his junior , Rajiv Sengupta , a rising star of thirty-six who had the job of co-ordinating financial assistance to industry in the regions , to worry with him .
6 An example of this is the case of a lady of forty-five who attended the clinic with neuralgia which had been present for some years .
7 Using the tides to his advantage , he had beaten to windward across St Austell Bay as far as Deadman Point , and to his crew of six who manned the sheets and tended the lines , it had seemed that he had some magic way with him : every time they lost the fish , he would put about and find the shoal again , so that his lads hardly had time to swallow a hunk of bread or a gill of ale from one end of the day to the other .
8 one of six who leaned the table down ,
9 Outside of the dealerships , and there are only a few of these who understand the publishing process , a number of companies have established themselves as providers of independent advice , training and support .
10 He successfully negotiated the repeal of a clause in the statute of 4 & 5 Philip and Mary , c.5 , which seriously prejudiced west-country clothiers ' interests ( 43 Eliz. , c.10 ) , and was one of three who persuaded the French to repeal , in February 1606 , a decree prohibiting the import of English tentered cloth .
11 At the same time the Service will keep the Countryside Code firmly in front of all who use the hills so that we all develop the ‘ good manners ’ which will assist , rather than hinder , the work of the farmers and other principal users .
12 It also insisted that the North Korean government had to accept the full list of names and guarantee the safe return of all who made the trip .
13 These are of two types , namely those that necessarily exclude outsiders and create an ingroup ; and those that are inclusively internationalist , and promote the common human characteristics of all who share the planet .
14 ‘ We have charted the progress of all who enter the Vortex for aeons .
15 I am one of many who saw the appointment of Dr Carey as Archbishop of Canterbury as a prophetic choice for England .
16 Being such an " odd bod " he was the butt of many who took the opportunity to make it known that he was different from us , and whether we thought we would in time change him was something that was a hope — happily a fond hope .
17 This , plus the fact that the role entailed involving the County Librarian and " selling the project " to the DCSLs , meant that the ACL:E&SS covered the spectrum from working politically with senior management of the education service to the coordination of those who implemented the project at the nuts and bolts level .
18 The new development may strengthen , therefore , the case of those who back the early replacement of the Army 's Chieftain tank fleet .
19 upset the chairs of those who sold the sacrificial pigeons ;
20 The legions of those who betrayed the Emperor during the Horus Rebellion had fled to the Eye and thereafter … had mutated vilely .
21 Although David Cecil was and always had been a devout Christian , he became the favourite candidate of those who resented the ‘ clerical candidate ’ , the man who had been put up by Lewis , just because he was a Christian .
22 The position of those who tend the very old is much less assured , in terms of the social values ascribed to the activity .
23 Would he also be able to confirm that the only threat to the continuation of that expenditure is the election of philistines of the left , who are opposed to the scheme and whose tax policies would pulverise the attempts of those who support the arts ?
24 Under Mikhail Gorbachev , Mr Volsky counted as the leader of its reformist wing , whereas the leader of the conservatives was one of those who staged the attempted coup of 1991 .
25 This was destined to be of particular importance to the measurement of time , because the blacksmith was the forerunner of those who constructed the first mechanical clock .
26 Of those who take the tests , few score high enough marks to enable them to apply for assistance from their own government or overseas institutions .
27 They came to office unsullied by royal service or political intrigue , and with the political principles and ideas of the schools fresh in their minds , but Stratford had won office by his service to the crown ; he was one of those who managed the early wool loans and spent the opening months of the French war recruiting allies and spies on the continent ; he may have resisted and condemned the malpractices of tax collectors , but he did not protest against royal taxation , burdensome as it was , before these crisis years .
28 We do know the names of those who constituted the Nazarean party .
29 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
30 A very early one is by Donald Munro , Dean of the Isles , who travelled through them and in 1594 published a " Description of the Western Isles " which is almost literally just that , with a full list of the small islands round the coast , but an edition by R. W. Munro in 1961 after a further manuscript had been found gives a description of Finlaggan , a photograph not previously published and a list of those who constituted the council of the Lords of the Isles .
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