Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] which have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
2 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
3 They were not here , nor was Thor of Allerdale himself ; but , after all ; it was strategy such as this which had kept Allerdale free despite the wolves at his frontiers .
4 Meanwhile many intelligent deaf people who might have gone into education , but now finding these opportunities non-existent because of the Education Act of 1893 which had implemented the Royal Commission for the Education of the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb 's recommendations , were now turning to missioner positions in deaf societies and institutes for a living .
5 Furthermore , a fear of revolution on the lines of that which had occurred in France still loomed large in the minds of the new English bourgeoisie , underpinning the demand for an organized police system geared to the protection of the life and property of the ruling classes ( Reiner 1985 ) .
6 The displacement looked to be of considerable extent , much larger than the chunk of 2020 which had brought me to 1816 , or the chunk of some mysterious medieval land which had arrived earlier on my front doorstep .
7 Henry III 's schemes — in Germany , Italy and Sicily — ultimately collapsed , to his cost , but they represented a Plantagenet response to the events of 1204–59 which had resulted in the dynasty 's displacement from their central and prestigious place in European politics .
8 Since the arguments for and against co-operative R&D ventures turn on the existence of externalities , it is useful to organize the discussion around the three of these which have featured prominently in the literature : technological spillovers , pecuniary externalities , and environmental externalities ( for other taxonomies , see Spence , 1984 , Dasgupta , 1 98 8 , and the excellent survey by Katz and Ordover , 1990 ; on co-operation in R&D more generally , see Teece , 1992 , and Baumol , 1992 ) .
9 This is the third Youth Sunday pack in a series of three which have focused on the notion of evangelisation .
10 James Grant included ‘ The Pawnbroker ’ in Pictures of Popular People in 1842 , their reputation having improved since the Gentleman 's Magazine of 1745 which had deplored the pawnbroker 's role of living by the miseries of mankind .
11 In early November the King formally proclaimed a new Constitution to replace that of 1962 which had enshrined the absolute powers of the monarchy and the multitiered system of panchayat representation .
12 The Kennedy case is one of many which have exposed the new Criminal Justice Act up to ridicule , with motoring offences in particular coming under the spotlight .
13 He trotted past the celebrated twisting and churning of the Lodore Falls without the slightest inclination to stop and wonder : there was no-one around to impress and the sudden skin of grey which had drawn tightly over the summer sky like a blind hurried him on .
14 Most-if not all — of those which have survived to the present are capitalist , and operate with wealth accumulation as their driving force .
15 Many of those which have wintered in the coastal seas or along the shores of Britain gather in the northern islands to complete the moult before attempting the long flight .
16 This further sharp decline in profitability , following on that of earlier years , and taking profits to levels well below those which had come to be expected during the boom , is the key to the sustained sluggishness of accumulation in the latter half of the 1970s and the early 1980s .
17 Unlike the protests of 1987 which had ended the Fifth Republic , the 1991 protests , although frequently large and violent , lacked support from the country 's middle class .
18 The administrative officer of ‘ A ’ Squadron , Lieut John Todd , in a letter written towards the end of July , told me that Leslie 's aircraft was one of several which had dropped men in France on 17 June , and that the other planes had accomplished their mission successfully and had returned safely to base .
19 That does not take account of the many closures and redundancies announced since the end of 1989-90 which have halved again the number of jobs in the north-west .
20 A Congregational Union pamphlet issued in 1901 cited Article XXIV in the Savoy Declaration of 1658 which had warned against too many ‘ distinct societies ’ and Article XXVl , which urged cooperation .
21 For example , the International Commission of Jurists concluded in its report on the status of the Aaland Islands that the Convention of 1856 which had demilitarised the islands remained effective and could be relied upon by a third party , Sweden .
22 Some feeling like that which had attacked Jim Nesbitt last year and made him marry that girl in Durham , who , to his mind , had nothing going for her .
23 For all the pioneer ideology of frontier self-sufficiency which came to surround the early Americans , increasing in both numbers and wealth , they provided a market for consumer goods by 1740 which was not unlike that which had emerged in England itself .
24 It 's antics like this which have become a major problem in towns and cities up and down the country in recent years , generating fear on estates like Blackbird Leys in Oxford .
25 The battles between Fascists and the Left which began in 1934 looked superficially like those which had marked the last years of the Weimar republic .
26 Next morning the gale frustrated attempts to use fireships against those which had got into the Vilaine but , in attempting to evade its pursuers , the Soleil Royal was forced on to an offshore shoal and burned by her own crew .
27 The Christian Democratic Party ( DC ) , the largest party in Parliament since 1948 , had experienced internal dissent , including that which had led to the formation of La Rete ( " The Network " ) as a new national political force [ see pp. 38481-82 ] .
28 There is a problem with gripping which has shown some improvement but which is apt to be most problematical when , for instance , she is concentrating hard at her computer .
29 The scheme to impose military control over Kinsai had been a logistical catastrophe , and it was the utter inefficiency above all which had made Alexei suspicious .
30 While the principles enunciated in the London Conference 's closing declaration were in line with those which had guided the EC 's peace efforts since mid-1991 , the conference represented a widening of the peace process to include the CSCE , countries neighbouring the region , and Moslem countries .
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