Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [modal v] [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One point for each would not be a total disaster , but obviously both of us will want three .
2 With majority voting the European Commission and the Council of Ministers can put things through that may not be in the Labour Party 's and our interests .
3 But a killing such as this would not be tolerated .
4 Changes such as this can not be introduced overnight .
5 The remedy is adequate information feed-back and continuous checking but the need for this may not be obvious from the chart because the areas of overlap are difficult to illustrate .
6 Sufficient funds for this may not be allocated if the allocation is based on the medium deprivation of the larger area .
7 And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth .
8 Whilst the reasons for this can not be established with certainty , there is evidence of some migration of the elderly out of the control area since the figures used in the selection were compiled ; there is also some reporting of general practitioners being more ready to refer patients living in the action than the control area .
9 The explanation for this can not be sought in the tenses of the verbs that the testator has used , for they are all historic with respect to the time the will was made and ought on that basis to refer to no time later than that .
10 Modifications will then be placed on deposit for consultation though relevant dates for this can not be agreed until the Inspector 's Report has been fully assessed .
11 The reasons for this should not be obscured by the fact that the short term objectives of aid have undergone several changes over the last thirty years .
12 Sales in the years after that can not be forecast with any accuracy .
13 The bad news from the analysts was compounded by the acknowledgement from the new board that the already twice-cancelled figures for 1991 will not be presented until at least mid-April .
14 And the implications of that can not be catered for by opinion polls .
15 The importance of that should not be under-estimated . ’
16 The degree of similarity between the brain of one species and that of another should not be taken for granted .
17 Estimates for the first quarter of 1993 will not be available until mid-June .
18 Under these definitions : 35 subjects ( 16.5% ) had no sexual experience beyond kissing and/or self-masturbation ; 87 subjects ( 40.5% ) had sexual experience limited both in extent and variety ; 33 subjects ( 15.5% ) had sexual experience limited in variety but not extent ; 16 subjects ( 7.5% ) had sexual experience limited in extent but not variety ; 40 subjects ( 19.0% ) had sexual experience relatively diverse in both extent and variety ; 3 subjects had homosexual experience only ; 4 had bisexual experience ; The experience of 2 could not be ascertained .
19 The existence of some could not be disclosed on security grounds ; others are set up to do a particular job and then wound up .
20 We recognise that the costs of this would not be negligible , but believe that they would be insignificant in terms of cost-effectiveness .
21 The importance of this should not be missed : one aspect of growing local government spending in the first thirty years after 1945 was that the balance between sources of funding shifted dramatically .
22 There may be organic causes ( see Chapters 2 and 9 ) and the possibility of this should not be overlooked .
23 The significance of this should not be exaggerated , however .
24 The importance of this must not be minimised .
25 The importance of this can not be overstated if this flow of information is to continue .
26 The details of this can not be considered here but two observations must be made .
27 The importance of this can not be overemphasised .
28 The importance of this can not be underestimated and a qualitative assessment by the investors is essential before the lawyers and accountants become involved .
29 However , the full effect of this will not be felt for four years since the government has provided resources to cushion the transfer from rates to the community charge .
30 ‘ The extent of this will not be known until the exercise is completed .
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