Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Professional journals support and represent a vested interest and run information about that which affects that interest .
2 and while you 're thinking about that you forget all about everything else .
3 Only if the chief constable expressed his order in terms such as that he considered any injury to his men to constitute serious public disorder might the courts be prepared to intervene .
4 For Labour they want more people employed and that 's to the detriment of taxes and inflation .
5 When I was at college I did a pastiche of the student magazine , doing the fold , and it was called Shell , so we renamed it for that one issue Rolling Shell , and I ever so carefully did the lettering for both the title boxes , then I got really disappointed when it came to set the type for the front page article underneath the big photograph which we printed as duo tone , because I could do it on the I B M — I could actually do it in Times and I thought it was going to be really , you know , I 'd have to really struggle and find
6 It 's just whether it 's worth having the hire for that one doing forty foot .
7 As she uncovered herself to him — ‘ for I love , and there is no loneliness , no misery , no doubt and ignorance , no hoping for that which seems vain as there used to be , but never will be again ’ — one glimpses the ideal that enabled her to accept without question the life that lay before them .
8 He wanted to do a Beatle medley and for that we made four cut-out caricatures of The Beatles in hardboard and painted them and then fitted them on frames and easels so that they could be stood up and moved around .
9 However , the right hon. Gentleman has shown that he is indeed a right honourable gentleman , and for that he deserves great credit .
10 He was therefore interested in stepping up controlled deliveries , and for that he needed intelligent , well-motivated CIs who could pose as suppliers .
11 I had already begun an outline for another book and for that I needed some local colour in an Eastern bloc country .
12 Writing about this one feels strange simply because there is n't that much to say .
13 Thank you chairman , I , I second er 's motion , erm trying to be not political about this I got some figures from the er county council which indicate that from the first of April ninety-two to the thirty-first of December ninety-two eighty-six members attended committee meetings of which they were not members .
14 When dealing with requests such as this we treat each on its merits , but the presumption is that an existing position is retained unless a more satisfactory alternative location is identified .
15 During 1939–44 he spent several years teaching in North America , at Hartford Seminary and at Fisk University , and he received an honorary DD from Wesley College , Winnipeg .
16 For some I know this is simply not enough , but as the years go by I find that Chopin 's ultra-refined eloquence of utterance responds more readily to an unforced , more integrated style than the ferocious changeability that has been the very kernel of Chopin playing for the last twenty or thirty years .
17 For this they offer three main reasons .
18 For this they grow large amounts of fodder crops on fields in the main valleys or on the lower margins of the uplands .
19 but still , she said she 's gon na send some for this one to have some er bonds or something
20 I have attached a paper prepared for this which highlights many of the areas in which the EEB believes progress must be made over the next six months .
21 To allow for this we provided several opportunities in the questionnaire for teachers to make additional individual observations .
22 For this he paid ten pence a year at Michaelmas and performed a number of other duties on the lord 's land and paid tithes to the church .
23 For this you turn sharp right off the road from Saint-Jean to Saint-Palais , about half-way between those two towns .
24 However , for this you need right thinking and a right understanding , because it is this thinking impulse and action of the higher truth that ultimately leads to inner freedom .
25 For this you need distilled water and presumably something to accurately measure 20ml of it .
26 For this you need one recorder , the " master machine " you copy onto , and one other " slave " machine to copy from .
27 The easiest task for Emma was learning to come to the table for lunch when called and once she had started to receive stickers for this she became aware of how to earn them .
28 Mr Stan Cardwell MBE , co-founder of the North-East ramblers ' association , said : ‘ His style was one of cooperation , not confrontation , and through this he made many friends , not least among the farming community , where he was regarded highly for his expertise on rights of way matters .
29 During 1876 he built new premises on the outskirts of Aberdeen , to cope with the increased demand .
30 After that they made better progress and managed to slip undetected out into the emptiness .
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