Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Good , I wish to see the corpse , and after that My Lord Coroner and I would like to speak with all those affected by Sir Ralph 's death . ’
2 Least of all his cousin Jessica .
3 It is a problem which has occupied the minds of those whom Canon Roger Lloyd has dubbed ‘ station saunterers ’ ( ‘ the railway lover counts no time wasted which he spends sauntering on a good station ’ ) .
4 By the time I arrived at B.P. there was need for many more of those whom Peter Calvocoressi calls the Indians , and the net had been cast wider to trawl the less élite from universities other than Oxford and Cambridge .
5 The psychology of adolescence was crucial to the enterprise because it offered the possibility , indeed , the likelihood of change ; it was grist to the mill of those whom Peter Clarke has termed ‘ moral ’ as opposed to ‘ mechanist ’ reformers .
6 Robert Halsband writes : ‘ Mrs. Yearsley was not the first of those whom Robert Southey called ‘ Our Uneducated Poets ’ but she was the first notable woman among them . ’
7 In the diary of 1818 his son Hartley 's was 25th May , and was the only entry .
8 The ‘ homespun ’ view of literature had tended to see literature either as an expression of an author 's personality and world-vision , or as a mimetic ( that is to say , realistic ) representation of the world in which he lived ; or , most typically , as the mixture of both which Catherine Belsey describes as ‘ expressive realism ’ ( 1980 ) .
9 It 's scenes like these which Ruth Hilali claims to have come to Kurdistan to deal with .
10 For all his shortcomings Largo Caballero was the only political figure with sufficient standing on the left to have any chance of harnessing the revolution to the cause of victory ; his advocacy of ‘ Workers ’ Alliance' between 1934 and 1936 had helped to dissipate some of the mutual antagonism which had previously soured his relations with the CNT , while his role as the ‘ Spanish Lenin' during 1936 had made possible a close relationship with the Spanish Communist Party .
11 Yet looking at many young people today , the targets of communication channels unknown to their grandparents , it is hard to believe that for all his showmanship McLuhan was entirely wrong .
12 But for all his troubles Stephen , an amiable and gallant king , had managed to hold on to England and it took three strange twists of fortune to transform the situation .
13 Well if you come with me sir , I think it 's gon na be about eighteen years for you mate , said Sergeant Briggs , thanks for all your work Jane , that 's alright Sarge , a quiet weekend that 's all I wanted , some weekend this has turned out to be said Jane
14 With all her strength Benny Hogan launched herself off the wall down on Maire Carroll .
15 I got me a surefire , old-fashioned American way of dealin' with all them Bruce Lee fanatics .
16 I 'd started locking my shirts in a desk drawer every night , except that now I 'd lost the key with all my Ben Shermans in there .
17 From 1975 to 1979 , Mrs Thatcher was engaged in a process not dissimilar from that which Mr Kinnock now presides over .
18 Mr Furbank gives an excellent picture of this hand-to-mouth existence , not so different from that which Samuel Johnson was leading in London at the same time .
19 In this our world God breathed his spirit into the dust of the earth , and matter became articulate and personalised in the forms of man and woman .
20 In 1757 his daughter Mary married Osgood Hanbury , a great Quaker Chesapeake merchant of London ; in 1767 his other daughter Rachel married David Barclay [ q.v. ] , a leading Quaker merchant , banker , and brewer of London .
21 Hence the European Parliament 's Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens ' Rights proposed a comprehensive report on codification in May 1989 , and in 1991 its chairman Graf von Stauffenberg again stressed ‘ the pressing need for proper codification and simplification , and hence greater transparency , of Community law ’ .
22 The sultanates of Muscat and Zanzibar had recently been separated by the terms of the Canning award , but Majid 's position remained insecure ; in 1859 his half-brothers Thuwayn of Muscat and Barghash , who was to succeed Majid as sultan , attempted to capture Zanzibar .
23 But in 1607 his friend Agostino Agazzari published the first little treatise on continuo performance , Del suonare sopra il basso con tutti stromenti & uso loro nel conserto , which does explain the use of figures .
24 In 1610 his son Robert published a collection of foreign and English songs , A Musicall Banquet , including two from Caccini 's Nuove Musiche ; and two of the three by his father — ‘ Far from triumphing court ’ and ‘ In darkness let me dwell ’ ( Dowland 's supreme masterpiece of emotional declamation ) — reveal awareness of the new style .
25 When he died in 516 his son Sigismund succeeded him , and negotiated with Byzantium for his father 's title .
26 In all its programmes WACC will encourage full and equal participation of women in public communication .
27 In all his experience Zen could remember nothing like it .
28 The nudes owe something to those of Bill Brandt done in the late 1940s and early 50s , but as in all his work Friedlander 's choice of vantage point and his use of irony forces questions on the viewer , rather than supplying answers .
29 In 1742 her son Richard purchased and occupied the nearby manor of Thorp Mandeville [ Sitwell , 22 ] .
30 In 1330 his grandson Edward III continued the practice of his forbears and was still giving alms to Fontevrault , the mausoleum of the Angevin dynasty .
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