Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] and give " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , Miss Massiter explained that information gathered by MI5 was shared with other government departments for political purposes and gave examples of how trade-union leaders had their telephones tapped by MI5 during wage negotiations with government departments .
2 Reg Akehurst 's charge was a firm favourite for that contest and gave his backers not the slightest hint of a scare when leading at the furlong pole to score by a length-and-a-half. way off the pace makes an accurate assessment of his progress very difficult for the handicapper , but this observer is convinced there is significant improvement still to come .
3 This would then be a useful time to engage in the brainstorming process to generate additional topics for individual investigations and give practice in applying the selection criteria .
4 Is this country really going to forget the lessons of its recent past , ignore the great sweep of European history and give socialism 's tired and discredited maxims another chance ?
5 The development of textile manufacturing in the fifteenth century was not only one of the most fundamental economic changes of the period , but it also took men away from farming , created a market for the sale of agricultural products and gave an incentive to the producer to grow crops and raise stock beyond the levels required for his own consumption .
6 Mr. Gordon stumped off the field , holding the two pieces of broken club and giving vent to language ill-befitting the lay-reader son of a clergyman — ‘ my best bloody driver , my best bloody driver . ’
7 On public holidays , including the major religious festivals , carpets are hung over the balconies of public buildings and give a festive air .
8 We must not leave the eighteenth century without mention of the great typefounder and printer of Birmingham , John Baskerville ( 1706–75 ) , who not only designed the famous type that bears his name but greatly improved the general standard of English printing and gave us , in 1763 , one of the most splendid editions of the Bible .
9 The city , he continues , was a ‘ sign of capital ’ ; it ‘ took up and eviscerated the varieties of social practice and gave them back with ventriloqual precision ’ .
10 The ward staff should be aware of this problem and give extra support and supervision when necessary .
11 What was it about Japan 's history that limited the pursuit of individual self-interest and gave precedence to the collective community ?
12 Then it is dissolved in 100 drops of absolute alcohol and given one hundred succussions .
13 In the midst of a world crisis of such magnitude and given the ‘ dangerous potentialities ’ of the USSR for weakening the relative world position of the US , ‘ sufficient resistance ’ that was required from the US and other non-communist countries might be presumed to extend to Indo-China .
14 A common law disqualification will usually amount to a breach of natural justice and give grounds for either an appeal under s.39(4) ( c ) or other review of the decision by way of judicial review , reduction , etc. ; see 5.39 .
15 After the weekend , the Unionist Whips decided that they had taken things far enough , having wasted an entire week of parliamentary time and given their supporters a sign of the vigour with which the fight was being waged .
16 It would be wrong to pretend that in a booklet of this size , we can do any more than raise some of these issues and give an overview of the way in which the company tries to deal with them .
17 It dates from 419 BC ( Cowley , no.21 ) : it stipulates the days of unleavened bread and gives instructions for abstinence from beer and work .
18 The Hague Linker is a wonderful machine which is quick and simple to use , saving hours of hard sewing and gives making up that professional look .
19 Julia had felt like a character in a fairy tale , whisked out of humdrum existence and given a glimpse of perfection .
20 Then they brought in a couple of supporting interrogators and gave me the third degree .
21 The apples were the fruits of perpetual youth and gave the gods immortality .
22 I was also careful to explain BW 's policy as regards cycling on the towpath , and I emphasised that the work was for the benefit of all users and gave Spokes members no rights whatsoever .
23 I was also careful to explain BW 's policy as regards cycling on the towpath , and emphasised that the work was for the benefit of all users and gave Spokes members no rights whatsoever .
24 A sharp contrast between this record and the immobility and instability of the Fourth Republic undoubtedly existed in the minds of many citizens and gave the regime a broad base of support .
25 She shared her husband 's estimation of the value of good books and gave hundreds away .
26 Recent discoveries of hitherto unknown kinds of jawless fishes ( agnathans ) , together with re-examination of known agnathans and advances in systematic methods , have revitalized debates about the relationships of ancient fishes and given fresh insights into early vertebrate history .
27 The headstone of the grave , in a grey cemetery on the outskirts of Warsaw , was of plain granite and gave simply the dates of birth and death .
28 He conceived the idea of artificial daylight and gave it practical reality by filtering the light of an Argand oil lamp through blue glass .
29 Will he remove that slur on the loyalty and patriotism of those employees and give a categorical assurance that there is nothing incompatible about membership of the Labour party and membership of the trade unions in question ?
30 The Greek purchased a bag of sweets , well , not so much a bag as a twist of newspaper , distributed some of the sweets among his retinue of small boys and gave the rest to his guide .
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