Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] make it " in BNC.

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1 Right because we 've picked that three sixty a penny for each degree makes it easy then no problem none of this messing about with fractions and all the cancelling and ooh dear , which is where all the hard part is that 's where all the hard work is this doing the fractions .
2 Total output as measured by real gross national product ( GNP ) expanded at an annual rate of only 0.5 per cent in the final quarter , the smallest rise since mid-1986 , but an unexpected increase of 2.5 per cent in orders for durable goods made it difficult to formulate firm economic forecasts .
3 It is easy to say now that the potential for cellular telephones made it easy to focus on that business .
4 Yes , erm , I had in mind that , is there a seconder to that ? my own view is that erm , and that goes for most of the way for dealing with the problem , but I think it would be appropriate for this committee to make it clear that erm , any extension of the maximum aggregate for the current financial year will be met by an appropriate reduction or a corresponding reduction in the expenditure for ninety four ninety five , erm and I 'm not certain that that 's absolutely clear to the public or indeed to all members of
5 The Wyse DECISION 386SX/25C is ideal if you intend to use with Windows , and other powerful and demanding applications , and offers enough scope for future expansion to make it a worthwhile long term investment .
6 This sort of conditioned need makes it very difficult for the horse to be taken out for the day , and makes it completely unsuitable for a day of hard work .
7 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
8 The capitalist system needed investment of private capital to make it grow .
9 Where bone from burials had been retained , the frequent lack of adequate documentation made it impossible to associate definitively one particular skeleton with a given Beaker pot .
10 But the violent character of the BUF and its unashamed adoption of foreign symbols made it unattractive to many who might otherwise have agreed with some of its policies , and made it doubly obnoxious to the Left .
11 Pressure groups , political organisations and other extra-Parliamentary activists vociferously expressed enough anxiety over the potential demographic transformation of British cities and the destruction of British culture to make it an issue within Parliament : the political argument culminated in the Commonwealth Immigrants Bill becoming an Act of Parliament in 1962 .
12 Before the scientific revolution of Galileo and Newton , it was obvious that if an object was to move , then it required a force or cause of some kind to make it move .
13 There was also substantial cross-group agreement on the selection of this feature , with most groups arguing that the 'summarising " nature of this sentence made it a strong candidate for an opening to the story .
14 To accept the implication of this finding makes it difficult to explain away the dissociation obtained by Hall and Channell ( 1985b ) ( the observation that latent inhibition is context dependent when habituation is not ) , which came from an experiment using the same response measures , stimuli , and procedures as were used by Hall and Schachtman ( 1987 ) .
15 The terms of this description make it absolutely clear that Polygnotos did not adhere to the single ground-line but placed his figures up and down the field with some rudimentary indication of setting ; and a few Athenian vases which must have been painted around the sixties show the same thing .
16 Regrettably , a House of Lords decision in the early years of this century made it clear that wrongful dismissal compensation will not cover either :
17 Earlier chapters of this book make it clear that there are certain to be tensions , even conflict , on such matters between those who work together .
18 We have modernised the procedures of this place to make it compulsory for all private and hybrid Bills to incorporate environmental impact assessment statements .
19 The terms of this account make it sound like a common occurrence ; only the rank of the victim was uncommon .
20 The extent of this digestion makes it difficult even to identify the prey animals , and the teeth are so fragile that any disturbance of these specimens during transport or burial would be likely to destroy them completely .
21 Whatever the explanation , episodes of this nature make it plain that in peacetime the purpose of Soviet forces is not just to ‘ be there ’ but to be used .
22 A positive approach to study of this nature makes it more interesting and provides a degree of excitement .
23 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
24 The relatively small proportion ( 5% ) of such theses made it difficult to come to any statistically valid conclusions about the differences in use between Ph D and M Sc theses .
25 Aurab Yakobashvili , deputy minister of science , says that the lack of such coordination makes it more difficult for the government to plan for the future of Russian science .
26 Extensive remains of the foundations of such temples make it relatively easy to establish their plan , but reconstruction of the superstructure is more speculative as almost all the walls and trabeation have disappeared .
27 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
28 What is being claimed here is that , though it is of great importance , the complexity of the total set of sequential and prosodic components of intonation and of paralinguistic features makes it a very difficult thing to teach .
29 She had called it ‘ Death in the Buildings ’ , and had based it not only on the tragedy she had witnessed , but had also written of the temptation for young girls to make money by selling themselves than by working long hours for poor pay , and had followed that by writing of women 's disabilities in a world where care in childbirth was minimal , and how only the kindness of humane doctors made it possible for them to have any skilled treatment at all .
30 Indeed , the more heroic you make your hero the more you will need moments of human weakness to make it easy for readers to have that sympathetic identification .
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