Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] will " in BNC.

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1 If you allow this for each garment you will not be disappointed by lack of progress , which seems to cause some knitters to stop using the garter carriage altogether .
2 At the foot of the page for each day you will see a little weight and symptom chart .
3 If a company meets these requirements in any year and is therefore entitled to the accounting exemptions for that year it will also be entitled to the same exemptions for the following year , regardless of whether or not it meets the criteria .
4 For that reason we will support the amendment that 's been moved by Labour .
5 For that reason it will be useful to summarise the main themes that will run through our account .
6 Through that work we will know more about the national church , its leaders , its members , its worship , its life .
7 Through that work we will know more about the national church , its leaders , its members , its worship and its life .
8 If you start thinking about this game it will drive you crazy . ’
9 If , for each country , is constant over time it follows that will be a constant , although of course for different countries it will be a different constant .
10 Only regressive assimilation of voice is found across word boundaries , and then only of one type ; since this matter is important for foreign learners we will look at it in some detail .
11 All managers in the production department at Betts Tubes in Stevenage have been involved in ITED and during this year it will be extended to other employees .
12 During this presentation he will also outline :
13 If they leave during this period they will be entitled to redundancy pay provided that the industrial tribunal considers their leaving was reasonable or the job at the new location was unsuitable .
14 During this time you will have developed the personal credibility to communicate persuasively at top management level .
15 During this time you will walk through workings some of which are over a hundred years old .
16 During this time you will also continue with your Naval general training , and spend time gaining practical experience in the wardroom and on assignment to an officer 's cabin .
17 For theoretical reasons we will also add a few features to the language : multiple assignment , output guards in alternatives and divergent ( racing ) process .
18 In some folk it will make them this or that , perhaps , not in every body , but for some folk it will do that , but his greatest purpose in your life and in my life is to reproduce Jesus Christ to make us like him .
19 Now this can be rather boring , as for some students it will actually be going over material that they have met .
20 For some jobs you will have to pay for advertising .
21 Each level in the grouping hierarchy is numbered but " For some levels I will replace these numbers with names that are mnemonic of the correspondence of groups at this level with the rhythmic medium ( e.g. " 'syllables " " or " " tone units " " ) " ( pp. 137 – 8 ) .
22 If you have been away from nurse education for some time you will be very pleasantly surprised by the much more interactive and civilised approach to learning apparent in most schools and colleges of nursing .
23 Such conditions reinforce the individual 's previous conditioning in his own family of origin but , of course , for some individuals it will run counter to their previous experiences .
24 For some pupils it will not be appropriate to attempt detailed calculation .
25 And I can also remember him standing in the hall with my mum and her saying , ‘ I am going out ! ’ and him , for some reason I will never understand , bursting into tears .
26 To be considered ‘ disabled ’ for this purpose you will normally need to be receiving a benefit such as Attendance Allowance , Mobility Allowance , Invalidity Benefit or be registered blind .
27 So for this year you will be receiving four Q.T. days for the price of three ! !
28 For this pattern you will need to change the direction of the lace carriage on every pattern row to prevent any bias .
29 For this project you will need a compass , pencil , ruler , plain paper , and perhaps an eraser .
30 As evidence for this assertion she will point to the fact that the rise of the novel ( the literary genre of ‘ character ’ par excellence ) in the eighteenth century coincided with the rise of capitalism ; that the triumph of the novel over all other literary genres in the nineteenth century coincided with the triumph of capitalism ; and that the modernist and postmodernist deconstruction of the classic novel in the twentieth century has coincided with the terminal crisis of capitalism .
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